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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Phony about what? I currently live in the UK but I have a home near Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima.
  2. 555 555 555 555 Typical line of defence. Anyone who is reasonable and states the truth is a 'lefty'. So uneducated.
  3. Another Trump cry. What is false? Are you denying the verified video evidence that is openly available?
  4. Lost what? Grow up and do your homework! The majority of Ukraine's rare earth metals are in the Donbas region - do you think Putin's going to let go of that? You clearly have no idea what the war in Ukraine is about - its certainly not about Putin not wanting NATO on his borders as he claims. Think about it - he already has NATO on his borders and if he was to take Ukraine - he would have a hell of a lot more.
  5. There was a time when the US was against aggression. Without the US the Allies couldn't have won WW2. Now we have Trump supporting a thug and calling Zelenskyy, the elected president of a democratic country, inept for simply carrying out the wishes of his electorate. Meanwhile, first Musk and now Bannon publicly performing Nazi salutes on stage - what does that tell you?
  6. Then they must be the 'subjective' words of most other Western countries and probably half (and growing) numbers of US voters. Trump supporters live in a bubble and just can't see that the world is both laughing at him (them) and amazed by his outlandish claims. Zelenskyy started the war and is responsible for the deaths of millions of Ukranians - for example. Zelenskyy refuses to allow elections is another. For all the claims that Trump makes, very little has actually happened - that hasn't been subsequently held up in legal challenges. If Trump thinks Europe will allow him and Putin to carve up Ukraine - he's going to be disappointed. Due to his lack of knowledge, he clearly hasn't yet realised why Putin took over most of Donbas and is fighting for the rest. Rare earth minerals - check that out in relation to Donbas. And Trump wants to buy Ukraine's rare earth minerals? He may find that HE is the one fighting Putin over that.
  7. Lost for words? You make ridiculous claims whilst I state facts. Trump admires Putin and clearly cares nothing about just how Putin attained his power. I suspect he wants to emulate him so the USA's democratic days may be numbered. In reality Putin is playing him - he hates the West and all we stand for. I didn't think it was possible to be so stupid (even for Trump) but if Trump thinks he can believe a word Putin says, he's going to be sadly disappointed.
  8. You think Trump has the guts to use them? Not a hope - mind you, he doesn't need to now Putin's bending him over and...............
  9. Another loony, mind you, there's around 50 million of you, evidence please.
  10. Yes, they are very strong. Their efforts in Vietnam and Afghanistan are evidence of that.
  11. Clearly a Pro Lunatic Trumpian - and just as he does, you offer no evidence for your claims. Please provide evidence of Zelenskyy's villas and bank accounts (yes I can spell his name). I do not mean evidence from other similar claims, I mean real evidence.
  12. No mention of the additional local jobs that tourism brings then?
  13. They've had a poor maintenance record for many years. I believe they were banned from the UK at one point. There were reports a few years back that aircrew were told to stop reporting faults and just let the captain know.
  14. A small addition to the above - according to my lawyer in the case above, your wife can be a shareholder, director and one of the 2 employees required. Again with the caveat that you need to check with your local Ministry of Labour Office - as we all know from other situations, different government offices of all types may vary the rules. I would recommend letting your lawyer or accountant (who may know already) ask questions of the Labour Office. As I said above they may well get a very different answer than you do.
  15. Just read your original post properly and see that you didn't actually change the oil yourself. Nevertheless, don't panic for now. Top it up as I said in my other post and check it again in 2000km. Most likely you'll be fine but do check if there's any oil, white scum or other discolouration in your coolant tank - doubtfull but not impossible. A question comes to mind - how often do you check your oil? Has it ever shown signs of excessive oil comsumption before or is it only since you had the oil changed?
  16. At 25,000km, I would very much doubt that's your problem but if you have oil in your coolant. You should get it repaired immediately.
  17. According to some manufacturers, engines can use up to 1L in 1000 miles. However, that would alarm me and I've never seen it in practice in a healthy engine (ex mechanic). The first thing I would do is top it up on level ground and see how it goes over the next 2000km. With 25,000km on the clock your car is unlikely to be burning oil - by the way if it was using 1L per 1000 miles as some manufacturers suggest, you would be unlikley to see smoke from the exhaust. Its not impossible to have a major fault but highly unlikely. As you say, you don't even know how to jack the car up so not being rude but it is entirely possible that you did something wrong when you changed the oil. Did you have the car on level ground? Did you check the level after filling it and before you started the engine? If so, it would have dropped considerably as the oil ciruclated through the engine and filled the filter. As I say, get it in to level ground, top the oil up and check it again in 2000km. When you top it up, wait 5 minutes before checking, when the level appears correct, run the engine for a minute, wait 5 minutes and check again.
  18. You are an incredible optimist. I suggest you go to Sukhumvit in Bangkok and try to cross, even when you see the 'green man' at the junction between Sukhumvit Road and Soi's 3 & 4.
  19. The problem is that these stupid tourists seem to think, for some unfathomable reason, that vehicles stop at pedestrian crossings.
  20. I wonder how she's been living since June 2023? I mean she's in Pattaya guys. I know some people like a 'big woman' but surely not......................?
  21. Yes I agree but Netanayhu and his government often use the same term. They often call criticism of Israel's behaviour in the Gaza conlfict as anti semetism.
  22. Just noticed your pun and you are spot on. I don't think the US voters have had time to realise exactly how Trump's plans to keep his election promises are going to affect their pockets - the main reason he won the election. Maybe: Mass Closures Mass Redundancies Retaliatory Tarrifs Disfunctional government departments Climate change denial despite massive fires, hurricanes and floods And fast becoming the laughing stock of the world Will make them think - hopefully in time for the midterms. Nothing wrong with taking a look and making sure governance is carried out efficiently but it seems that is not how Musk is actually carrying out Trump's orders. I agree with Trump that the war between Israel and Palestinians must end - it cannot continue boiling up every 5 years or so. There is a solution but its one that I suggested in another post - one that the UN and many countries around the world have been pressing for for many years - The 2 state Solution, might have to be imposed. Trump clearly does not understand the reasons why 7 October happened. And before anyone jumps down my thoat - there's a difference between supporting and understanding. I most certainly do not support Hamas or any other form of terrorist group but I do understand why events like 7 October happened. 'Now with extra madness' spot on and much more to come I fear. Worringly Trumps's Gaza project has the potential to wreck the current Ceasefire and put the lives of the remaining hostages at risk. Why would Hamas want to negotiate further if they believe they are going to be forcibly evicted from their home?
  23. Correct and I posted a correction later, by the time I discovered it, editing had timed out. You got it anyway.
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