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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. I am not in any position to give the Mods instructions and you are in no position to tell me what to do. It was a request thanks.
  2. That should of course have read 'running a country' 😁
  3. And judges keep on blocking his orders........................stay tuned for his demise. How long do you think the US population will accept Musk's closures with the ensuing job losses?
  4. Yes, we've noticed the size of Americans waists. In fact since we imported parts of the US 'cuisine' - the British waist has also been getting bigger.
  5. Yes, the great American right. Many of us are sick of hearing about the US, Trump, Maga etc. We don't care who voted for a loony. We'd just like you all to keep your poitics in the US where you're welcome to be as right wing as you like. If Trump creates a recession as he may, it will be all of us who suffer - let's see how many people support him at the end of his term. I find it funny when you call anyone who isn't right - left. You should be aware that the majority of the world's poulation, regardless of their government's standpoint are actually 'middle' - for want of a better word. If Trump thinks he fooling anyone with his Gaza plan, he'e far more stupid than I thought but he can as be stupid as he likes inside the US. What we don't want is Trump stirring World politics up. Running a business is nothing like running a company.
  6. The world is the UN. I am not expecting anything. I am suggesting that those who created the problem should put it right. Will it happen? Not a hope.
  7. Oh sorry...........I thought this thread is about Trump's plans for Gaza after the PALESTINIAN WAR.
  8. When? Are you possibly thinking of the other girl who is going to have to have limbs amputated because she was denied treatment for so long?
  9. The injuries, the fact that his bike was found 300m away and the eye witness statements seem point to someone riding at well over 60kph (37mph) - which I believe is the limit there?
  10. 22 years for me - not even a scratch. I wouldn't be driving like crazy in the early hours on that road or any others though. I open my bike up when & where its safe to do so.
  11. I am not saying I agree with him but what he's doing is making assumptions which we shouldn't do, should we? The report did say it was a high speed accident though. Assumptions like you made in a thread about a British man going missing in Bangkok. This assumption precisely: give it a few days, he will be "found" in a hospital with severe life ending injuries sustained in a scoot accident. I've seen some real lunatics riding bikes in Pattaya. - often on very powerful bikes. I don't know if this still happens but a few years back a friend of mine rented Yamaha R1's in Pattaya. We are both experienced bikers, in fact my mate had an R1 at home but neither of us was asked to show our licences. All we needed was our passports. The thought of someone who maybe has never ridden a big bike before, riding down Beach Road in his shorts with no helmet on, on a 18Omph rocket ship - which was clearly available at that shop - is really scary.
  12. Can I just ask you if you are aware of the seriously sick Palestinian children, desparately needing treatment in Gaza? I'd ask you to check out the story of Raghad Al-Khouli - a young child with agonising eye cancer. Netanyahu refused to let her leave for treatment abroad, her and many other's like her. I don't know if she's left now but the last time I saw her story, the tumours had more or less taken over her eye sockets. I doubt she'll survive. Are you also going to deny that? Trump's plan is pure madness and will only serve to prolong the conflict - therefore the suffering of innocent children.
  13. It most certainly is true and it is still continuing now. Only last year Netanyahu announced yet more 'settlements'. I don't support the tactics of Hamas or Islamic Jihad in any way, shape of form but I ask you, what would you do? How would you deal with an enemy that is stealing your land, kicking people out of their farms and on some occasions, murdering them? An enemy thousands of times more powerful than you? Netanyahu has stated several times that if Israeli settlers kill Palestinians - they will be prosecuted. How many have been prosecuted? How many have been convicted? Where do these 'settlers' get their weapons? If Netanyahu wants bombings and terrorist attacks to continue forever - he's going the right way about it.
  14. Trump's proposal couldn't have come at a worse time - when negotiations are about to start for the second phase of the cease fire. He may well have put the lives of the remaining hostages in far more danger than they already are. It will be interesting to see if Hamas are even willing to negotiate further if they believe the US/Israeli long term plan is to remove them from Gaza.
  15. Those who have seen the footage of Trump's announcement may have noticed that he also said something to the effect that he'd discussed his proposal with the leaders of several countries (presumably in the Middle East) and they liked it. He regulary makes claims that people like his ideas but for some reason he fails to name them. I note that Jordan and Egypt have staunchly rejected the plan, Saudi Arabia stated: Palestinians would "not move" from their land and it would not normalise ties with Israel without the establishment of a Palestinian state. Most of the other Middle Eastern countries are predominantly Muslim and therefore very unlikely to support Trump's crazy plan. I'd suggest that Trump was, as usual....................................lying. (they're eating cats and dogs 😁). I don't believe he actually discussed his plans with any 'leaders' - maybe he dreams these things? The only thing I agree with him on is that a permanent solution to this problem must be found this time. How about Israel giving up some land on the coast North of Haifa, around Acre with a curve Eastwards running past (and including) The Sea of Galilee - thereby linking to The West Bank, in exchange for Gaza? How would that be Bibi? After all, Israel has turned Gaza into rubble and I very much doubt they will pay for or even contribute towards its rebuilding? Although it would be desirable to rout the murdering scum of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, I really don't think that's possible. In other regions where neighbours have been killing each other for years, people have had to learn to put their differences aside if they want to live in peace. That is rarely 100% successful but its far better than how Israelis and Palestinians have been living since 1948. Both sides need to recognise the other's right to exist. The Israelis for a start need to retreat to the UN agreed borders and stop creating settlements (stealing). The extremist Islamic groups need to understand that they will never destroy Israel - how many thousands of them have died trying to achieve that goal? Its just not going to happen.
  16. Jeez, will you all just stop this and show a bit of bloody respect!!! When this man was reported missing, people were falling over themselves to post suggestions that he was lost in Pat Pong, in a soapy massage etc. etc. - you all saw and many wrote, the posts. Now, possibly so they don't lose all face (or don't think they do), some people are still suggesting that he must have been up to something, others are attacking the Go Fund Me appeal. Many posters are simply fighting amongst themselves. One suggested his family are scammers......jeez! What is wrong with you? You know very little about this man and even less about how he died. Some people like to have somewhere to go to pay their respects or remember a loved one. If he is laid to rest in the UK, his family will have that. If people want to contribute to a fund to repatriate this man's body, surely that's up to them? Its certainly nothing to do with you. Maybe there'll be enough left over to make his son's life a little easier, if only for a short time. On the subject of 'loved ones', can we please not forget that this man had a 7 year old son who now does not have a father. Moderators, please consider closing this thread, there is far too much speculation going on here - mostly negative, some downright nasty. We are discussing a man who has died. Is there no respect anymore?
  17. That would be good, what evidence do you have to support that? Residents in my area have been complaining about low power supplies for years - nothing changes.
  18. I wonder how those who made awful comments about what may have happend to this man in the thread reporting this man missing, feel now?
  19. When fast home charges are available without an increase in your power supply are available and when the charging infrastrucure is in place nationwide - not just in Bangkok, without 'charger wars' - I'd love to have an EV. I pulled into a UK supermarket car park last Saturday. There were 6 charging points, 1 was out of order and the other 5 were all occupied. No thanks - I doubt Thailand, out in the sticks, is any better and it may be worse. I don't want to have to plan my journey according to the availibility of charging points - charging points that may well be occupied. The other point is that in my area of Thailand, we already often don't receive the power supply we are supposed to - they either dont' have capacity or the lines, as they stand, can't take it. How will that be if the number of charging points are increased? Does Thailand have the generating capacity overall to cope with a large increase in EV use? This is happening at the same time as huge data centres are being built all over the world to cope with the massive power demands of AI, The Cloud and the like. Google and Microsoft say they will create their own power supplies using renewables and nuclear power. Easy talk, what are they actually doing at the moment? How long does it take to build a nuclear power station and bring it in to use? Is Thailand, or any other country for that matter. really ready for EV's? I honestly don't know but I think there are questions. How much will electricity cost when the number of EV's on the road starts to significantly reduce the tax intake from petrol and diesel fuel? Will they tax the electricity to compensate or will they tax the EV? If the price of electricity goes up then people who don't even own a car will end up paying more - I can't see that happening. If some sort of tax is put on charging points - what about those who charge at home? It seems inevitable to me that the only way to replace the tax from fuel is to tax the car. I'm not being negative, I want to see this happen but I'm not convinced the country is ready and I think that EV owners will have to accept that they are going to be paying additional tax sometime soon.
  20. Just to clarify - not to argue. There are different types of Brachytherapy - the seeds that your refer to and HDR which is done in conjunction with a PET Scan. With HDR the therapy is carried out through what I can only describe as large needles inserted through the Perineum and guided into an exact location through computer mapping informed by the PET scan. HDR is sometimes said to be only 30% effective but my oncologist disagrees in cases like mine where it appeared that previous Radio Therapy had 'missed' a small area. One of its main advantages is the precision that it can achieve. In my case the residual tumour was right in the centre of my prostate on one side only. The needles, were guided into the exact spot by imaging using the map obtained through the PET scan. So far there has been no return but this was a secondary treatment following Radio Therapy a few years earlier. I am not sure, as I didn't have a low grade of PC (I wish I did) but I believe the seeds are used with lower grades of the disease and in cases where 'watchful waiting' (monitoring) has taken place over an extended period and the cancer is now becoing active. There appears to be several new treatments around and on the horizon at the moment but the key to it all is to catch it early and that is why a PSA test is so important - or maybe one of the newer tests somebody mentioned above. It doesn't matter really if it turns out you don't have PC. This is one of those diseases that can either take years and years to become really active (if at all) - or it can romp through your body very quickly. What the naysayers need to consider is that once the disease breaks out of the Prostate Capsule, the pathways used by UK hospitals (I can't speak for other countries), do not include curative treatment. They can (will) only use measures that will slow the disease down. A lot of guys avoid testing because they have heard that if they are found to have the disease, the subsequent treatment will put them out of action in the bedroom department. That is not always the case these days and there is a lot that can be done to help. Yes, its a 'big thing' for a bloke, it terrified me, I was relatively young on diagnosis but it doesn't always happen and sometimes, function can return several months or even years after treatment. I don't keep up with the latest developments in dealing with PC as I'm (hopefully) past that now but there's always some news on the subject, usually good. The one thing I do know that remains key, is to get tested and regularly. I wish the UK government would stop their nonsense and introduce a sceeening programme for men over 50. I don't care how many false positives there are - the alternative can be deadly. Far too many men are dying of a disease that, in most cases, is readily treatable in its early stages and a bonus is that early treatment is normally less invasive in many cases. To be totally brutal on this, the most common areas for the disease to spread to are the bones, lungs and brain and it doesn't stop. As Sheryl says, it can be an agonising death.
  21. That's something new, things are changing fast. Anything that identifies this horrible disease can only be good.
  22. No, you have a risk of infection but read what I and others have said, in many cases, there is no need for a biopsy in many cases these days unless an MRI scan suggests the presence of PC. Biopsy's are then used in order to identify the size, location and nature of the tumours
  23. And just how does it make things worse? The excuse usually presented is the risk of infection from biopsy's. As had been stated by many people in this thread, PSA tests are now, in most cases, followed up by an MRI scan.
  24. There was no significant difference in the risk of dying, or dying of prostate cancer, between the three treatment options. Three‑quarters of the men in the active-monitoring group experienced growth or spread of the cancer and needed subsequent treatment, but a quarter of the men were alive without having received any form of treatment. Reginald Hall Retired urologist, Newcastle upon Tyne As someone who's had Prostate Cancer (PC) for 10 years and who's illness is in currently in remission but not necessarliy cured, I am shocked at the attitude of a 'Professional' towards this disease. He should know very well that you can't lump men who have low grade PC together with those who have a more aggressive type. Although its the same basic disease in terms of outcomes, there is a vast difference. Most people who have low grade PC are simply monitored as the disease often does not get worse or spread. The reason for the monitoring is just to confirm that. What is it they say? You die with it, not of it. However, aggressive PC spreads and must be treated if the subject is to have a chance of survival. Once PC spreads to other parts of the body, there is no curative treatment, it can only be slowed down. 'However, men should think very carefully and consider the evidence before asking their GP for a PSA test.' If my GP hadn't sent me for a PSA test, I wouldn't be here now. I went to see my GP on a totally different matter. It was only when I mentioned a few symptoms I was experiencing, one that isn't usually associated with PC, that my GP said "I think we'd better do a blood test. She didn't even mention PC but PSA was, as it turned out, one of the tests she'd requested. Two days later I received a phone call asking me to visit the surgery immediately. The results were a PSA of 189, my GP said she suspected PC and was requesting an urgent appointment with the Urologist at my local hospital. A subsequent biospy confimed PC and the resultant scans identified tumours occupying 60% of one lobe of my prostate and 100% of the other. I was given a choice of removal or radio therapy and told the 10 year outcomes were about the same - I opted for radio therapy. I asked the Oncologist to be brutally honest about my chances (as everyone was referring to my PSA count being massively high) and she told me I was only just within the criteria for curative treatment and she thought there was a 70% chance the disease would return as it was a highly aggressive form. The tumours had broken through the capsule of my prostate but there was no evidence of it anywhere else. At that time I was told that I was having the maximum dose of radio therapy and if it wasn't successful, any subsequent treatment would only be to slow the spread of disease down. Fortunately I responded to the radio therapy (+ hormone therapy) better than anyone expected. My PSA began to rise again 5 or 6 years later and the oncologist I saw then said he thought it was more likely that we hadn't quite 'got' the disease the first time around than it had returned. Things had moved on in treatment pathways during those 5 or 6 years and my response had been good. I had a PET scan to map out exactly where the cancer was active and it was still within my prostate. I could not have further beam radio therapy but I could have a more targeted version in the form of HDR Brachytherapy, better still should that not be succesful, other treatement options were now open to me. The HDR Brachytherapy was given in 2 sessions, 1 month apart and to date, my PSA has settled to a constant 0.70. Had I not mentioned my (few) symptoms to my GP or if she was one of those that is opposed to too much PSA testing, I would not be writing this post, I'd have been 6ft under a long time ago. The suggestion that: 'men should think very carefully and consider the evidence before asking their GP for a PSA test.' is ridiculous. Are we doctors? There is only one way to identify the likelihood that PC is the cause of any symptoms you may have and that begins with a PSA test. There is no other way. The old reasoning of false positives and the risk of infection though a biopsy is long gone. In many countries the next step after a high PSA reading is a newer form of MRI scan which, I believe can identify the presence of potential tumours and help urologists make a decision on a biopsy. I met my original oncologist in the hospital coffee bar recently when I was at the hosipital on a different matter and I asked he what she thought would hatve happened if I my PC had not been diagnosed when it was. She told me that it was very hard to say but she suspected that if I had not been diagnosed until 3 months later than I was, I would not have fitted the criteria for curative treatment......."and remember, yours was highly aggressive". I don't think there is a chance in hell that I would still be here now. I don't care what this man says, there is no other way to identify the possibility of PC and I tell everyone I know to get tested every year once they reach 50. You don't always have the usual symptoms, some people that have been diagnosed with PC had no symptoms at all. I apologise for the length of my ramblings but the debate of whether to test or not really stirs me up. Perhaps by reading what happened to me, men reading this will be convinced that regular testing is an absolute must.
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