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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Because my age has absolutely no bearing on this discussion - which I will remind you is about the wording 'No Trans' being classified as 'Hate Speech' and woke-ism in general. However, it seems that the majority of people don't actually subscribe to this current madness.
  2. Where did I say I was in Korat? I don't live in Korat full time, I split my time between 2 countries and I have friends in both.
  3. Total novice here but as with so many things, there seems to be a lot of variables with solar and a lot of difference between what the glossy brochures state and what happens in real life. That's why forums like this are so useful. There was a discussion on the radio yesterday (UK) about the pro's and con's of owning an Electric Vehicle. A guy phoned in to say that he'd been fined £60 twice for staying too long at a charging point. This guy has a home charger for his car but regularly drove relatively long distances - meaning he has to recharge during his journey. Apparently some (if not all, I have no idea) charging points state their power rating and allow a maximum time for the charge according to what is paid. He parked at a point that said it was rated at 50kw and he calculated that his car would be fully charged within the time he paid for. Apparently the power of the charger is not guaranteed because of variations in supply and the charge time is also affected by the rating of the car's batteries. The guy had not simply parked up, put his car on charge and gone off shopping - thereby blocking the charging point. He calculated according to what he thought was correct. The world of solar seems to be changing all the time and happily, the cost appears to be going down. However, I suspect the variables will always be there and its far better to seek advice from people who already have it installed than believe the glossy brochures that don't seem to be keen on pointing out the variables.
  4. Yes, we discussed that in another thread - you convinced me. I've changed the plans now and incoroprated a bigger garage which means I can also have more bikes 😁.
  5. Can I jump in and ask a related, if not wholly on topic question. I'm in the planning stages for a new house. For various reasons it is difficult for me to work out my power useage at the moment. I suspect however, that I will have to remain 'On Grid' with the PEA supply taking over when I run out of solar. Is this automatic? As in when the solar power drops below a certain level, will the PEA supply kick in automatically?
  6. Oh, another one - and just how old am I pray tell? Strange that without exeception, my friends - who range from their late twenties to around sixty, all think the same.
  7. Excellent post and well evidenced. 'Hopefully all this craziness will pass and we'll return to some form of normalcy.' I sincerely hope you are correct. With regard to your comments on the US: To the rest of the world, the US has always been portrayed as a bellweather for attitudes, a country to be admired, a world leader etc. etc. Previously I've never taken much notice of the US, not for any particular reason, just that what goes on there didn't interest me. However, in recent years its been hard to ignore the goings on in the US - much of which is unfathomable. I won't refer to specifics because to do so would only invite off topic comments but in general I'm refering to politics - one 'politician' in particular, envirionmental matters, and crime - more specifically gun crime. Although what happens in the US has little influence on me, other than to draw disbelief, it would be difficult to argue that things in the US don't have a strong influence in attitudes around the world. Again though, I suspect that mainstream attitudes in the US may not actually reflect those of the majority (or am I being too hopeful?) and purely by way of example, I will outline the experience of a friend. I have a very close friend in Bangkok, a female who married an American guy around 3 years ago (for our friend uttrdait, they met online). She's an educated girl and also possesses an above average amount of common sense. On a visit to the US just after they were married, her husband's parents, a reasonably ,well to do Christian couple, found it necessary to apologise for the antics of a certain 'politician' who, amongst other crazy things, without a scrap of evidence was claiming that an election had been stolen from him. The perception of this man around the world, amongst those I talk to, is that he's a complete lunatic - I happen to think that the more recent term used to describe him 'unhinged' is much more fitting. And yet what was it? Over 90 million Americans voted for him? As in this topic, is it possible that the views we see online and to a lesser extent in the news do not actually reflect the views of the majority? As I said previously, by far the majority of people I discuss woke-ism and PC attitudes with, are absolutely sick of it. Yet reading news articles and what those that take the time to post online think - you might be tempted to think otherwise.
  8. How many times do I have to state, THIS IS NOT ABOUT DATING APPS?
  9. You have inferred but never mind. Several times I've tried to make it clear that the intention of my post was to discuss the 'woke' world and that I merely used my experience on a dating App as an example. Yet you continue to refer to dating Apps - and now, with, it seems, little knowledge of the subject you refer who uses such sites and state that 'normal people' don't use them. You refer to people being unhappy and showing signs of old age - not with any validity but simply for effect. You many or may not agree with the context of this discussion but please keep to that context and don't make personal comments or suggestions. You don't have to agree with the context, I welcome alternative viewpoints but please make them valid and not intended for percieved self gratification and simple 'point scoring' - that actually backfires on you in my opinion.
  10. Really? And you suggest that I'm old? I suggest you have a chat with some younger people. Dating Apps and websites are exactly how they meet these days. You're well out of date.
  11. I'm fully aware that it wasn't aimed at me and you are still at it - unhappy? Jeez, you're sad. Its your attitude and what you are seeking to do that's the problem. Try to improve yourself, you'll be much happier for it.
  12. You raise an important point. The 'woke' community would have us believe that this is the new world, the new norm and often state that we are out of date, put it down to age etc. etc. Yet, when I talk to people on this subject and other similar facets of 'woke-ism' or the matter of having to be PC, they are, almost without exception, sick to death of it. So maybe its even more than 3/4 of us remaining rational? One of the problems however is that the sane amongst us tend to be readers rather than writers so it can appear that there are far more in favour of this 'new world' when in fact, the opposite is true.
  13. Still trying to appear smart? You're also still wrong. Nobody forces you to read anything. This is a public platform on which members can air their views, bring matters to the attention of others, ask questions etc. By all means contribute to a discussion, even disagree and make your own points but by sittiung behind your screen, thinking up negative things to write about authors, you are doing exactly what you accuse them of doing. Do you think people read your comments and think 'what a smart guy, he's got one over on the poster, he's winning' - I very much doubt they do. What I take from your replies is that you live a sad life and have nothing better to do - which for many, is a symptom of being unhappy in their old age. You'd be far better off staying silent.
  14. Another smart**s . Old? Go on then guess my age and if you're within 5 years of being correct, I'll buy you a walking frame.
  15. Something I have no control over but that has very little to do with the subject matter.
  16. What a load of tosh. I'm not bitter at all and if my age is advancing - it hasn't 'advanced that far that its affecting my 'nightlife' yet nor the age of the birds I'm able to bed. And no, I don't pay, that's the whole point of Tinder but I'd take a stab from your writing style that you wouldn't know that. Disappointed yes, following a divorce I've been having the time of my life and Tinder is, in my opinion, by far the best source of no strings dating. As for 'declining mental facilities' - clearly mine are much more intact than yours - its 'Faculties' you idiot. You know the saying 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'? There must be no panes left at all in yours. When you're trying to be a smart**s - much better to get it right or as in this case, you end up looking stupid.😁
  17. Agreed - thankfully, after threatening legal action, which I'd gladly take, they have agreed to refund the fee for their 'Gold' add on.
  18. Strange, somehow you think I'm old and white. Join a circus.
  19. Strange - I'd guess that 70% of the people I've discussed this with are in their 30's and 40's.
  20. Strangely this is often the case in Thailand - in some cases even the courts frown on people that have refused to agree to an 'out of court settlement'. The fact that they may have committed a serious offence doesn't seem to be considered. Cash can settle anything! This Israeli is dangerous and needs to learn how to control his drinking/behaviour. A spell behind bars in a Thai jail might just help him with that. It shouldn't be 100,000 Euros instead of jail, it should be 100,000 + jail.
  21. I haven't mixed anything together - and again you are refering to the dating App. Let me be clear, for quite some time I've thought that things are getting crazy and I can assure you that everyone (outside AN) I have discussed this matter with thinks the same. Gay, or indeed LGBTQ+ rights have come to the forefront and in many countries there have been major changes to laws etc. to allow LGBTQ+ people the rights and privileges that the rest of us take for granted. Nothing wrong with that and much was overdue. However, some people in these communities don't seem think that things have gone far enough. Some people are stating that they are non binary, we should address them as they/them not him or her and they can identify as whatever gender they wish - even what sort of species they are it seems. The list goes on, pop stars embolden lesser mortals etc. etc. Well I don't really give a damn how somebody wants to be addressed, if a person was born a female, I reserve the right to call a female, her, she whatever. How they wish to behave is up to them but just as I wouldn't call my dog a cat, I refused to call a female a male or to not asign a gender at all. A male is a male and a female is a female. There are of course sub divisions with 'Gay Male' or 'Trans female' - being just 2 examples. Some people, no matter what their sexual orientation wish to be accepted in to society without a label and seem to deny their actual gender. The fact that their gender does not align with their orientation should not be discriminated against but they cannot deny their physical make up. I am sure there are some that do make derogatory and/or hateful comments about such people but I don't see how a simple description is derogatory. If they don't wish to be 'labelled' or asigned a gender, then amongst their own communities - fine, up to them. However, why should the rest of us not be able to call a male who has transitioned to a female - a Trans when that is in fact what they are? Its just a simple descriptor that identifies them and in my case it is not intended to be is either derogatory or hateful. In this particular case the debate is whether or not 'No Trans' is hateful My reasoning for illustrating this via my experience on a dating App was purely by way of example. The example being that simply stating 'No Trans' has been interpreted by these lunatics as 'Hate Speech'. If I pay for my profile to be displayed on a dating App, am I not entitled to state my preferences? Is that not politically correct these days? I don't see anything hateful about 'No Trans' - its a benign and bland statement and if someone has a problem with that, that's their problem. Most Ladyboys are up front about what they are on such Apps but some are not and with a small proportion of them, its very difficult to tell. I would not entertain any sort of physical relationship with a Trans person, its just not my bag. Do I not have the right to make a simple statement such as 'No Trans' in my preferences? How on earth could any Trans person be offended by the fact that I don't want to meet them? If I stated that I would like to meet a blonde girl, would I then be being discriminatory towards girls with non-blonde hair? Is that also not PC? Things seem to be getting worse with every passing year, I remain convinced that the world has indeed, gone mad.
  22. So you actually believe that someone stating they have no interest in dating a Trans person is wrong? That's exactly why I say the world has gone mad! All you seek to do is to make this personal without considering the fact that a hell of a lot of people object to this new 'woke' world. Things are not going to get better at this rate, they are only going to get worse. If you actually believe that nobody else cares about this and its simply my problem, you don't mix in the same circles as I do. Just about everyone I know is sick to death of it.
  23. Again, you are concentrating on the dating App. My post is about where we are going with all this - I think I've made that clear several times.
  24. Well 'me thinks' is wrong. I have only 'matched' with one girl in days and I'm still very much in contact with her. Had there been anything else that could possibly be construed as 'hateful' I would be aware of that. You need to understand how these dating Apps work - they are totally profit motivated and operate on the minimum of staff. They rely on people 'reporting' other members to pick up on issues - they don't spend hours combing through people's profiles. Hence the amount of hookers openly plying their trade on the App. When someone makes a report, a temporary ban is issued a staff member investigates and if they agree, a total ban is issued. My location/search area is usually set to Bangkok + 40km. I recently returned to the UK and god knows why but last night I set my location to 'My Current Location' + 40km. Within an hour I had a temporary ban and shortly after that, a full ban. I think this ban is because of that location change and the 'Woke' attitudes of the UK trans community or their supporters who almost certainly reported my profile. In any case, as I've said to others, this is not about my activity on a dating App, this is about 'Woke-ism' in general and where its taking us. I am merely using my experience on a dating App to provide an example of how ridiculous things have become.
  25. In another article a girl wishes to identify as a cat and pupils telling her she is crazy are given a dressing down by their Teachers. The controversy began when a student secretly recorded the discussion involving year 8 pupils at Rye college in East Sussex. In the excerpt posted to TikTok, a pupil describes the idea of another pupil identifying as a cow or cat as “crazy” and extends her remarks to include biological sex and gender as binary. A teacher is heard telling the student that their views were “despicable”, threatening to report them to a senior colleague and saying: “If you don’t like it, you need to go to a different school.” https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/jun/23/child-identifying-as-cat-controversy-from-a-tiktok-video-to-media-frenzy In another article on the same story, the school said a pupil was identifying as a cat and they were now having to deal with boys barking at her. 😁 But seriously, this is why I ask, where will it end?
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