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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Only if the sxxt is stuck to the wool.
  2. Owned by empty-heads and would be tough-guys. The dogs had no chance from the start.The UK is full of them. I can remember about 2 or 3 years ago in Chonburi (i think),one of these dogs(that slept with it's owner every night)decided to attack and kill the man while they were sleeping together. I agree with the bullet theory.
  3. Both mate but i like your sense of humour,cheers.
  4. I have read this post 3 times now and still can't fathom it out!🤔
  5. Been watching the new roads being built(sometimes 2or 3 times)in Jomtien over the years with very little improvement. Most motorists will know that a big percentage of road damage is around the man-hole and grate covers.So why do the Thais insist on building the man-holes (complete with lid)first?Sure the civil engineer will have given them a finished level to work to but it is pretty much impossible to get them right that way. Why not wait until the road forms are in place,outside and camber then pull two string lines across to get a surface that is millimetre perfect? All the new roads i see start off with loads of man-holes just stuck up in the air.Idiotic.
  6. Just when i was thinking "where have all the nutters gone?)We have a new one. Welcome friend,you are like a breath of fresh air.
  7. Might be a good idea for your builder to fix the metal wallplate before the roofing lads turn up.Should be a doddle then.
  8. Ask them to send a rep out to do the measuring. Meet him on-site with your builder and agree everything.
  9. What a well written although sad post that will have given a lot of old codgers on here,food for thought. At a time like this you will find out who your real friends are here.You are going to need help from people close to you,both Thai and Farang. Good Luck Lad.
  10. Best tattoo i ever saw was Ollie Reeds in Guernsey 1987.Not that impressive but in a unique location.
  11. Yes,ours are considerably smaller than American arses.
  12. Must be a long time since you have been back in the UK.The days of British Bobbies are long gone. The Police force there, especially the Met is an embarrassing laughing stock now. 7stone girls and fat undersized,bearded unfit men with tatoos.Bonus if you have a brown face.
  13. Good point.I only joined this conversation because i think certain moderators on here bask in the power that they perceive they have.It looks like quite a few members agree with me.Cheers Mike.
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