Wouldn't be surprised if one was an Arab.
Out of all the shiity foreigners here,Chinese,Indians,Russians and Yanks,the Arabs are the most obnoxious by miles.Arrogant,entitled,unfriendly and a real contempt for other countries and cultures.
What do you expect from the stupidest nation on earth.
Before the old yanks on here jump down my throat hear me out.
For decades you have allowed commie teachers,lectures and professors to teach your kids and now you are reaping the worldwind.
Instead of telling these people to leave their politics at home you have allowed them to indoctrinate your children and your children are now just brain-washed adults.
Transwoman is just another of the idiotic words that have been made up in the last couple of years.
Please Thailand,don't go down the same woke road as western countries.
These guys are katoeys or ladyboys.The kind we all know and love here.
No? Maybe just me then.