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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. This forum is really professional but no fun anymore. 15 years or so ago you could come here guaranteed a good laugh with the members banter and self deprecating stories but now with the moderators such miserable buggars everyone has to watch their p's and q's.This is a grown up forum for Christ's sake.
  2. Unrecognizable from those days.It used to be paradise and a real alternative to Pattaya. I stayed one day last time i was there.Could have cried.
  3. Maybe this is your first time in Cambodia but most guys on here have been regular visitors for years. Most know the ropes down there.
  4. 50 cents in S/ville 15 years ago.Cambodia has changed beyond recognition since then and not for the better.
  5. Go on then,which of these buffoons is the worst? After Diane of course.
  6. Didn't think British politicians could sink any lower but Keir Starmer has just managed to do so. His day started with him putting his best suit on,complete with poppy.He then went to a meeting on Islamaphobia (yawn) where he promptly took off the poppy before addressing the Muslim audience.Did his speech,went backstage and put the poppy on again. This is without doubt the worst case of shxxing on British values you could ever come up with.Shame on him and his loony supporters.
  7. Best baht bus experience was in Ubon. Just off the overnight bus from Pattaya i had made the rookie mistake of not carrying a 10 baht coin.Took the songthaew downtown resigned to the fact i was paying 20 baht.Gave the driver my money then walked on only to be shouted back "it's only 8 baht"What a guy.
  8. Jeepneys much more cultural.I especially enjoyed passing my money from the back through all the smiling people. Baht buses are brilliant value too but without the charm.
  9. This protest has obviously been planned to provoke the British people.Muslims from all over England are being bussed into London to coincide with Remembrance day prayers. After giving them everything they've asked for for years this piss take has got to be the final straw. The question is who can sort this shambles out? The government is pathetic,the Met police even worse and all top businesses going woke.There is only the army left to control this utter madness but there is no chance of the lily-livered government sanctioning that. What's the panel think?
  10. This could possibly be one of TV's best wind-ups.
  11. I first started travelling,(hitch-hiking etc) in 1970.Even then the Aussies were the best at it.Great days,well done mate.
  12. But then they all moved to England where they can rape young white girls with impunity.
  13. Being an American,i think this is outright racism.
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