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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. No, but women are more prone to taking free drinks.
  2. Probably on the lines of. Typical Brit behaviour from a Swede.
  3. The UK has let loads of habitual criminals out of jail to free up spaces for grannies who write hurty words on Facebook.
  4. This is what young people do. Enjoying his life to the full before he turns into a boring old fart like the selfish majority on here.
  5. How did you garner all your expert advise?
  6. Had a regular Bangladeshi taxi driver back in Lancashire.Always took me home from the boozer Sat and Sunday lunchtime.He was the nicest guy imaginable and we became great mates. On the only time we had a serious conversation he mentioned to me that if his daughter even thought about going out with a white boy,he would think nothing of beheading her. Let that sink in.
  7. Please read it again.I was disappointed because she "wasn't" a ladyboy.
  8. Once was so drunk that i took a ladyboy home. Imagine my disappoint when she had a front bottom.
  9. You assume wrong.Get off your arse and do a bit of research yourself Jock,or can't you be bothered?
  10. Try telling that to the families of the men and women thrown in prison for stating the obvious,that the perpetrator was a muslim.
  11. I bloke in a bar told me. Don't be so lazy Jock.
  12. Savages. Lefties,this is what your world will look like if you carry on your crazy "free Palestine" behaviour .
  13. Revelations are coming out daily now about why Kier Starmer has told the speaker of the house to order politicians not to ask questions about the Southport killings. For the first time ever there is no parliamentary privilege to ask a question in the house.The reason this is being hushed up and Nigel Farage was refused to ask about Southport is Starmers involvement with this case. In 2003 lawyer Starmer represented the killers father in his asylum case.The father's brother was a warlord in Rwanda and involved with the murders of thousands of innocent civilians.The father himself was a part of a murder squad too. Starmer was successful in the asylum case and the man came to Britain and went on to breed the little shiit that murdered 3 beautiful little girls and injured many more. Lots more to come from this monumental cover-up.
  14. Hope you still wash behind your foreskin like mum showed you GG.
  15. When the time comes (if we are not too late already) when this stupidity ends,there needs to be accountability for the wanton destruction of Europe. Only the brave few politicians speak out against this crime and are immediately shouted down by cowardly politicians and bat-shiit crazy lefties who are too blind to see the impending death of Europe.What they don't realise is if the Islamists (god forbid) ever take power it is the lefty commies,transpeople and homos that they will come for first.
  16. Simple,if you have bought your house through your Thai business,put it in your Thai wifes name.Hahahaha,good luck with that lads.
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