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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Great idea,thanks for the advice.
  2. In the UK at the moment.Mountains of work in my job construction.Descent coin too. Also loads of dusky looking men walking the streets in the daytime when they should be at work but are given free accommodation and hand outs so refuse to go to work.The country is fxxxed.
  3. Brilliant reply,thank you.The baggage pick up was one of the problems i thought about. Also,what is the difference between a stopover and layover please?
  4. Hi,has anyone taken advantage of the free hotel stopover offered by Etihad?It seems to me(with plenty of time on my hands)to be a great way to break up the journey to LOS.But being a thicko anything new like this seems to always throw up problems.Is it a straightforward procedure,visa,transport to and from the airport to the hotel etc?Stopover in Abu Dhabi by the way.Cheers.
  5. I always drink a large bottle of Chang first thing in the morning.Then feel great but only for an hour or two. Weird.
  6. That's probably because you are a young whippersnapper.The rest of us old farts are eligible for fast track.
  7. Spilt more down my fxxxxxg tie.
  8. My electrician wouldn't take my faulty water heater off the wall because he said he might get a shock.True.
  9. Congrats,18 years now after being pxxxxxd nearly every day for 35 years.Coming to LOS then saved my life.
  10. Don't run before you can walk.It ain't that easy.Good luck.
  11. The only time I ever hear someone kicking up a fuss in Makro,Lotus or Big C it is always accompanied by that unbearable accent.
  12. Used to listen to Ivor Biggun's song "I'm a wanxxr"in the 70's.Until now I just thought it was a fun song not medical advise.Just missed the clue when he sang "it does you good like it bloody well should"
  13. Like Cambodia/Laos.
  14. That's what you get when you knock about with Yanks.
  15. Wow,i wish i could have dreams like that.
  16. You can shut the lot down for me. FB,Twitter,Instagram,Tik Tok et al. The world was a much nicer place before all this sxxt was bombarding the kids with all the nonsense you hear on a regular basis nowadays.
  17. I always blame the wife too.Lazy bitch.
  18. Green bus for sure. gone a bit shaby lately but still the best option.
  19. If she loves you she will come on the bus. Flying is a crazy option.
  20. He's not a Brit. Just happy to help????.
  21. Surprised she didn't fit more in,there's loads of room.
  22. I think this is for our American members.
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