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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. Do you exchange undies? Sorry,i'm just a fragile man.
  2. Just incase you meet a local ladyboy?
  3. Hahaha,like your style BB.
  4. Get that chip off your shoulder Paddy.Your virtue signalling does not fool anyone.If there was any trustworthy politicians in power maybe i would vote.As for mentioning our lost soldiers,there is nobody wears their poppy with more pride than me.I make a point of going out on the 11th and always come home dissapointed that only ever a handfull of old uns,[like me] have made the effort.
  5. What nationality were they?
  6. While Muslims pretend to frown on homosexuality the truth is they love a bit of brown love.These rich Arabs are just lambs to the slaughter for our Katoeys.
  7. Never voted pal but if all Johnny Foreigners were as puerile as you,i would.
  8. I'm alright Jack.Nice to hear you love your fellow man.
  9. Well stop mentioning it then.
  10. Often wonder what Thais think of these miserable races.We all know in most walks of life having fun is paramount to them.I just hope they look at them and realise money doesn't bring you happiness.
  11. Still got the best choice of white-sand beaches in LOS.The resort beaches are still fab but the off the beaten track ones are breathtaking.
  12. Train ride,Sattahip to Pattaya Tai 5 baht. Beat that!
  13. Been on my arse a time or two on Thepprasit open market.It hurts a lot more and takes more time to heal when you are an old fart too.
  14. Hahaha,i like your style.
  15. In 18 years here i've never heard of anyone contracting aids or vd.As i live in Jomtien which most people would think as the hotspot for said diseases it has always amazed me. The most damage my little soldier has accrued has been a few cases of thrush with going bareback.Yes,i know!
  16. Just sussing it out for now Scouse.When i find out I'll let you know.
  17. I'll try.
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