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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. If you had been raped, would you accept 600 Baht to forget about it and not press charges ?
  2. She wasn't given 600 Baht and it seems like she didn't consent to sex with ot without payment . Seems like she was raped and the guy tried to pay her off to avoid being charged . But, if you don't pay her the agreed amount then no consent was given and then its rape
  3. It is classified as rape legally . She consented to sex on the condition that you paid her the agreed amount . If you don't pay her the money, then the consent is withdrawn . Consent was given on the condition a payment is made : No payment =no consent, No consent = rape
  4. Coffins convoy driving through a rainy Israel (live) https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-february-20-2025/
  5. Those posters seem to now be having a break from posting . No doubt they will be back again shouting about "innocent women and children" when the IDF go looking for Hamas in Gaza
  6. Shiri Bibas, Ariel Bibas, 5, and Kfir Bibas, 2, being taken hostage on October 7, 2023. You would have thought that one of them (Hamas) would have said "Come on , leave the babies alone"
  7. I had the chicken steak there and it was more like cheese , the texture of the chicken was like cheese , rather than a meat
  8. Why will you be doing that ? Before you answer, may I remind you that its childish and immature just to do something after you have been asked not to do it . So, why will you walk and eat salad around the bar ?
  9. Headline next month Sizzler to close all stores immediately after suffering sudden huge losses after their salads become unprofitable popular .
  10. Every time I go there , there are groups of Thais all with their steak meals and minimal side salad and there's usually one older felang with six plates of salad in front of him
  11. They surround themselves with children , children being used as human shields
  12. Don't embarrass yourself by just going in there on your own and just having the salad and pigging out on that , whilst all the Thais there are sat having steak meals with minimal salad . Don't embarrass yourself by having the salad as breakfast , lunch and dinner in one sitting . People can see you doing it . And don't even think about walking back from the salad bar whilst eating some biscuits on the walk back
  13. Hamas giving back two dead Children and the Mother , handing the 3 corpses back to the Husband and Father aftrer thney kept them for 16 months . Just when you think that they couldn't sink any lower , when you think they reached the very bottom of the evil nasty pit they inhabit . They out do themselves and sink even lower . Its a war crime to take hostages , Hamas handing back (dead) hostages whilst accusing the victims of war crimes . This will be avenged
  14. Its not Khan who decides that , he is just the Mayor of London ,
  15. I was talking about Thai females . Would you be critical if three Thai females went into a bar and just ordered one bottle of water ?
  16. I can assure you , there have been numerous incidents of Indians and people of other Nationalities just buying water in a bar and playing pool . There's even the usually joke on this forums about Indians buying a bottle of water and four straws to share the bottle
  17. What if it was three young pretty Thai girls who were playing pool and just buying 1 bottle of water , would you then hate Thai girls as well ?
  18. She claims that she didn't though
  19. That would be legally classified as rape .
  20. He has six adult Children . if they all chip in 5000 Pounds each , that should be enough to get him evacuated to the UK
  21. Could be an idea to require retirees to pay a 10 000 Baht a year towards the Thai health system and then allow those retirees to use the Thai Health system ? With the 10 000 Baht going directly to the THS
  22. Its a vociferous badly behaved groups of Israelis , like Chavs or Brogans or Arsim in Hebrew . Its also young guys who have been taught that to solve problems you need to act in an aggressive direct way , like if an enemy is walking towards you , you don't politely ask him to stop
  23. Remove all Palestinians from Gaza . Change the Rafah name to Bibas . *But the innocent women and children*
  24. Too exaggerated , as theres no terrorism ,just bad behaviour . Back to the drawing board
  25. As I said before , my point was that I didn't contact her to find out about the latest Israelis visas situation and I wasn't defending the Israelis . She regularly advertises her visa run company on FB pages and I spoke to her last week about doing a visa run . I was refuting you claim that I did an online search to find out about the Israelis . Nope , the Woman posted the info on a FB group that I am a member of . She sent a message to a FB group that arrived on my feed , I didn't search for the info (Whether you can or cannot follow people on FB is completely besides the point)
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