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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. We are talking about the Ukraine war .
  2. Something needs to be done to end the war . Its either end the war or pay for it ourselves , keep sending Ukraine money
  3. Very disappointed with Trump . He said that he was end the Ukraine war immediately . How longs it been now, A month ?
  4. Stop making these false claims . Maybe an idea for you to remove it
  5. As long as they were sat down and eating their food and not eating whilst walking long the street , thats the most important thing
  6. Palestinians began fighting with Lebanese Christians in 1975 in Beirut . Palestinians then attacked Israel in an attack that killed 37 Israelis in Israel. Israel retaliated by invading Lebanon in 1978 . The Lebanese war had already been going on for three years before Israel got involved after Israel got attacked
  7. Wasn't that caused by the Palestinians as well ? A good example of why the Palestinians cannot stay in Gaza Wars start wherever they go
  8. Locals get annoyed because they cannot overcharge Israelis because they wont accept their over inflated prices ??
  9. We need to hear the other side of the story first
  10. Musk stated that was was wrong and he was mistaken . You claimed that he admitted lying . Admitting that you were wrong and admitting lying are two different things . So, your claim was incorrect , Musk didn't admit to lying
  11. You was in collision with a car whilst you were on your motorbike when driving back from immigration . The cars driver is being prosecuting for driving offences and that is why you are in Court . You were in hospital for a while and suffered from a memory loss
  12. What are those initial findings on Gaza which were a lie and which he admitted lying about ?
  13. So you don't oppose genocide . You just oppose it when it happens to people whom you support and you are in favour of genocide when its your side doing it ?
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 159 seconds  
  15. Was looking with flying with them last year , but KLM were cheaper . Also heard Norse were in a lot of debt and could go bankrupt soon
  16. A steak meal and a free salad bar is 239 Baht Salad bar 139 Baht Offer ends this friday though https://www.sizzler.co.th/th/promotion/214
  17. Salad bar lunch time special discount price and a glass of tap water ?
  18. Malcom,this isn't really a discussion . We just keep saying the same things back and forth to each other . I was about to reply, when I realised that I have already said the same thing twice before already and I was about to say it again for the third time and no doubt you would have just replied saying the same thing again
  19. It wasn't just Hamas that did all the kidnappings though . Other groups also kidnapped Israelis , that's why there was a mix up with the bodies , non Hamas people took and held the bodies and handed them over to Hamas to be released . There did also seem to be ordinary Palestinians participating in the OCT 7 the terror attack
  20. You provided ONE link from 9 years a go where an anonymous person asked a question about it on a forum and 7 people replied . I did google websearch and only two results came up and those two results were for this thread on ASEANNOW Bottom line is that you just want some admiration from someone whilst speaking derogatorily about other people from other Countries . *Israelis are very unpopular, but everyone likes me *
  21. And they had their visas cancelled and they got deported . What more do you want ?
  22. So, you do favour a genocide . I thought that Palestinian supporters were opposed to genocides
  23. Putin has stated that he would be willing to take them in , Palestinians can move to Russia and join the army there
  24. I could read it, Yes . It is a question posed on a forum 9 years ago and it had 7 replies . The posed question also refers to England as being a City . It was a question being asked , asked by 1 person . Asking question doesn't prove anything
  25. Malcolm a thread on a forum from 9 years ago , a thread which had 7 replies , doesn't prove anything
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