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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Trump didn't makes laws that declare the protests to be illegal , he just pointed out that the protests weren't legal . There's a huge difference between making something illegal and simply stating that they were illegal
  2. Grengiai ? Considerate ? Not Thai bashing here , bit I find Thais to be extremely inconsiderate , burning fires , loud music , driving cars , me first all the time and not bothered about others .
  3. "Accused" Lets not get into the basics of explaining that an accusation isn't a conviction or proof of anything . Lefties these days seem to consider that an accusation is proof of something whilst at the same time going on about how highly educated and intelligent they are and how everyone who disagrees with them is stupid
  4. So, they didn't actually give the USA any money ? So, the countries could hardly ask for any money back from the USA
  5. It wont end up in Court . The Unis will stop the disruptors and protestors and funding will remain and everything will go back to normal . This is Donalds way of dealing with issues
  6. No ones right to criticise others is being taken away from them, so why bring it up ?
  7. Lets hope that the Thais behave themselves in Israel , although it would be funny if "No Thais" signs began appearing all over Israel, due to Thais misbehaving
  8. The problem is the continued harassment of Jewish students on campus and the disruption of students education due to protests . Its nothing to do with "free speech" , "free speech " doesn't giver anyone the right to attack Jews or any other minority group
  9. Which 136 Countries were they and what aid did those countries provide ?
  10. I don't know, Why don't the African hookers use the same short-time rooms as everyone else?
  11. Buy a Mr DIY shaver for 39 Baht will bring down the USA economy ?
  12. But they would be a "loved one" until you've bought them a few drinks and paid the bar fine
  13. They only have to be successful once . They can keep trying and failing , but it just takes one time for them to get it right and be successful
  14. They should have insurance , so call the insurance company to come and fix it
  15. They got refused boarding because they had fake tickets home ? Would love to have been standing behind them when staff pointed out the tickets were fake 🙂 As an aside , I was looking to buy a one way ticket with KLM and the one way was 31 000 Baht and the return was 28 OOO Baht
  16. Could you post a link to one of those machines ? I asked in a different shop today and they said that those machines can just detect irregularities , but you would need the old style eye checker to get an in depth review and to decipher what type of lenses are required
  17. Qatar have been financially bankrolling Hams for many years and also give Hamas leaders a place to stay in Qatar . Qatar could have got all the hostages released immediately if they wanted to . Qatar and Hamas are on the same side
  18. His wife's ear lobes must be that the maximum size , they can't get much bigger than that
  19. So I can go into the shop and use these machines within five minutes with no instructions or trainning ? I will go into the shop and do the test myself then
  20. Its the people operating the machine that I have concerns about . The staff come across as just inexperienced shop assistants who want to sell some glasses They recommended Playboy frames with the Playboy logo on it . Which shows how unaware they are , an 11 year old walking round school with playboy glasses on !!!!!!!
  21. "Trust me" to do what ? What do they need to trust me about ?
  22. Are you swearing or are there actual things called flicking lenses ? I need to be assured that I am getting astigmatism glasses, rather than just regular glasses and the staff couldn't even say astigmatism . Do I need to ask for flicking lenses when getting astigmatism lenses ?
  23. Lenses that need to be extremely accurate otherwise they will be out of focus and no point in having them . If they spent 8 years learning English in school and cannot speak a word of English then can they be trusted to have learnt how to use the eye testing machine ? Its a new shop with a new machine with new young people working there and the staff seem to be the laugh a minute type and everyone's a joke and funny
  24. Really, anyone can use one of these machines and take an accurate reading and instruct the lens maker in BKK exactly what kind of lens needs to be made ? No training needs to be given about how ro use the machine ? How do you know that ?
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