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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Some of their supporters got expelled from School because they invaded the school, disrupted lessons and refused to leave and barricaded themselves inside . The expelled peoples groups members must have been sitting around together and thinking about how they could get the expelled decision reversed . "How can we get the school to change their minds about expelling former pupils who invaded the school and barricaded themselves in ?" "I know, lets invade the school and barricade ourselves in, that's bound to work"
  2. Went and asked in an optician today they said that a pair of glasses start at 16 000 Baht and they need to come from Bangkok . Wasn't even sure whether that includes the first appointment either
  3. *Oh no, I am so upset and annoyed that I am about to start crying . Boo hoo hoo hooo * Look what you've done now, you've upset me and made me cry 😜
  4. Just pointing out that your slogan didn't make much sense because no words were spoken
  5. There wasn't any words though , it was a symbol and a photo . So, Sticks and stones will break my bones but a photo and a symbol will never hurt me.
  6. Is the schools' eye doctors advice untrustworthy ? A second opinion is required ?
  7. Its the follow the Malcolm syndrome . He begins and some follow in a similar fashion
  8. 11 year old boy had an eye test at school and the results can back as 100 % astigmatism and glasses have been recommended . Is this just a recommendation or a necessity ? Should I let the school provide the glasses or go privately to an optician ? School have quoted 3800 Baht for the glasses . Will the problem resolve itself in time or are glasses a necessity ?
  9. Jonny , who is this Trump that you speak of ?
  10. Just wondered who this Trump is , in a thread about the Austrian election . Hans Trump from Vienna , the FPO candidate ?
  11. Is it Donald Trump who won the Austrian elections or is it some other Trump ?
  12. This isn't about me or my home Country though . Different situation
  13. Need to put differences aside and get the war finished . Concessions from all sides need to be made in order for a peace to prevail
  14. There needed someone who said "No" , rather than a person who just says Yes to everything . Joe would have given Ukraine another 100 $Billion and then smiled and waved to everyone
  15. What point are you trying to make ?
  16. Transgenders should be allowed into the army so they can cook the food and clean the rooms ?
  17. Was she eating anything at the time in the market ?
  18. Can they rebuild the Worlds first six million Baht man . He will need a bionic eye , a new arm and both legs
  19. Google his name , then click on his Go fund me page
  20. No , She was caught smuggling drugs . OK, so far ? She then owned a large plot of land , still with me ? I was wondering whether there was a connection between the two . You know, smuggling drugs and owning land . It may have escaped your attention, but this is actually a discussion board where people discuss things
  21. Grooming gangs and ethnicity: What does the evidence say? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-65174096 So, is the answer to that question a NO ?
  22. Eh , the Southampton who ? A Muslim attacked people in Southampton UK and that's connected to the BBC documentary in Gaza . Right may as well get back on topic now
  23. What part of my post wasn't true ? The woman DID previously own the land , so that bit is true She did get caught smuggling drugs , that is also true . So, What part of my post wasn't true ?
  24. IMO the Hamas Father would have been in recipient of the money that the boys family was paid . Want is your opinion on that matter ?
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