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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. The UK need someone with a bit of sense to advise the UK . If the UK could make sensible decisions, then Trump wouldn't be needed
  2. May as well answer my own question , as its way beyond some peoples ability to read and understand the question , let alone answer it : No Nick, that wasn't how they could afford to buy such a big plot of land
  3. "Was that how they could afford such a big plot of land ?" That quite clearly is a question , I am not pretending anything . See that question mark at the end (?) that denotes that I was asking a question . It was a question, no two ways about it
  4. It wasn't just the money paid to the boy , the BBC were broadcasting a supposedly neutral programme which turned out to have a Hamas connection where the so called independent narrator was actually connected to Hamas
  5. That could possibly be her at the front in the middle , but unconfirmed , so maybe not
  6. It's highly likely that the Father , a high ranking Hamas official received the money
  7. Has everyone lost the plot today ? It wasn't a claim, it was a question . A person got caught smuggling drugs previously > Same person owns a huge plot of land . How would that person be able to afford such a big plot of land ?
  8. What am I ignorant about ? I haven't stated anything , just asked a question , so that cannot be classified "living in your own world " Although there have actually been incidents where customs have confiscating drugs and keeping some for themselves , although I am not claiming that that definitely happened here
  9. Are these people delusional or just naive . As if a University would give into their demands . Think that they can make demands by just sitting there . As they failed this time, they might take hostages next time .
  10. From the link four posts above this post "The production company, Hoyo Films, also informed the BBC that they had paid the young boy's mother "a limited sum of money" for narrating the film, with the payment processed through his sister’s bank account. "
  11. Not being pedantic : But I did ask a question . So, you first sentence should have been *No, it wasn't * , rather than "Not True"
  12. You are replying to the wrong person . It was me who made that post . I asked a question , I didn't make an allegation . I didn't accuse anyone of anything . As you do not know the difference between a question and an allegation , you are in no position to call others "stupid" . It's your inability to understand English which was the issue .
  13. Did you call the lady five times and ask her to top up your pepsi glass ?
  14. Malcom, you can either speak civilly or you can go and talk to someone else . I will not converse with you if you speak to me like that . So, if you want to talk, then stop the abuse . Talk in a civil manner , or we don't talk at all . Understand ?
  15. Wouldn't you need a bank account to show the 800 000 Baht in the bank (for a retirement visa?)
  16. I did obviously mean any drugs that she DIDN'T get caught smuggling . If she didn't get caught ,then she would have made a huge profit . Shes not going to get rich for the drugs that she had confiscated from her, now is she Malcolm . (And its been known that the authorities confiscate drugs and keep some for themselves and just use a minimal amount for the prosecution )
  17. Was that how they could afford such a big plot of land ?
  18. Will it affect your visa extension application ?
  19. Could have inherited his Parents house and sold it for millions and lived off the interest ?
  20. That law has been disproved now , as the answer to the question of this headline seems to be a "Yes"
  21. Roger Waters has been found guilty of defaming a Jewish filmmaker and making anti semitic remarks "A London high court has found that statements from Pink Floyd cofounder Roger Waters accusing a documentary filmmaker of "cheerleading the genocide of Palestinians" and acting as a "Zionist mouthpiece" during an Al Jazeera interview are defamatory. Justice Jennifer Eady on Tuesday concluded that Waters was making a statement of fact, blocking him from arguing that the assertions were intended to be opinions. The ruling deciding preliminary issues in the case advances the lawsuit toward trial. "The statements are defamatory of the claimant at common law," she wrote." https://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/roger-waters-defamed-filmmaker-with-antisemitic-remarks-court-finds/ar-AA1zMgKW
  22. Because she doesn't want weapons to be sent to Israel , weapons that would wipe Hamas out . There's no two ways about it . She either wants Hamas to remain , or she wants Hamas to be wiped out. Give Israel weapons to fight Hamas or stop giving Israel weapons .
  23. You Americans just don't do self deprecating humour, do you
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