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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Went to a high street branded shop and they charge 6-7000 Baht for the glasses . I would be relying on the shop assistants to take a reading of the eyes and send that info to the lens makers in BKK . The shop assistants would be using the eye machine to take the reading of the eye . All three shop assistants were quite young, in their 20's . And not one of them could speak a word of English . How I am supposed to trust a person to diagnose astigmatism and give a reading , hopefully they would have been trained to use the machine . But how I am supposed to trust them to have learnt to use the eye machine, when they spent eight years in school learning English and they cannot speak one word of English? As they have zero ability in English will they also have zero ability in working the eye machine ?
  2. Fair enough, if you put a driveway/parking space in your front garden , you also need to get the kerb lowered
  3. What if the shop is making all the profit ? Selling 3800 Baht glasses for 20 000 Baht ?
  4. Look at the positives, you get the arm rest to yourself and you wouldn't need to stand up if they want to use the toilet .
  5. USA needs to stop funding Hamas , well at least until the give reassurances they they will stop killing Israeli children and also stop using their own children as human shields
  6. I prefer a large sized Chicken breast in a KFC
  7. Just get a new passport now . You may save six months passport validity, but they may lose your flight . Don't go putting in fake passport numbers
  8. If you get to age 63 years and and you are fighting with bouncers outside nightclubs in Asia , you have made some wrong lifestyle choices somewhere along the way
  9. You also seem to think that you can be abusive to Thais and not suffer any consequences, like the guy in the O.P
  10. Itsr really nothing to do with where anyone comes from , whether they be Thai or Felang. One man went up to a bouncer/security and began confronting him and became aggressive and the bouncer retaliated
  11. Nothing to do with Thai people . Anywhere in the World , you pick a fight with a Bouncer , then he's going to oblige and have a fight with you . Its his job
  12. Someone must have informed the I.O for them to be searched . If they thought tit would be a problem, they could have just taken a boat across the river down stream a bit without anyone noticing
  13. Thais are the only Nation in the World that its people can knock you over with one punch ?
  14. Maybe its you ? You don't seem to be too popular
  15. The Dems not accepting the election results and trying to overthrow an elected President ? Will the be marching on Capitol hill ?
  16. Would they need to be specially made glasses/lenses or is it a one size fits all in regard to the lenses ?
  17. Unfortunately they don't make enough to afford their own place with Wifi , so they have to leave their shared dorm at a backpackers and head off to Starbucks and make a coffee last all morning before heading off to the shopping mall in the afternoon to leech off their free wifi
  18. You don't get a free pass to act aggressive and confrontational just because you are old.
  19. fits in nicely with all the nonsense Pro Palestinians spout
  20. They opposed Communism rather than opposed Russia . Russia isn't Communist anymore , so no need to oppose them anymore
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