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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. When you go to those kinds of restaurants , they ask you how you want your beef done , from rare to well done
  2. You were disagreeing with my post ? Then you should disagree with my post and not disagree with your own post . Israel has a 500 Billion $ GDP per year and Israel gets 3 Billion US$ aid per year . Those are facts . Try and prove me wrong if you think I am wrong about that or you can ask me to provide links to back it up ? .
  3. You are agreeing with me when I say that you have no idea what you are talking about ?
  4. Again , no idea what you are talking about Israel has a GDP of 500 Billion $ per year Israel gets 3 Billion $ in aid per year . The USA aid is worth about 2 days of income for Israel
  5. The reason why Australia doesn't have any Michelin star restaurants is because Michelin doesn't operate in Australia and they don't do a guide book for there . The food may be Michelin quality, but its just they don't have a guide book for that location
  6. Israelis are the traditional owners of the lands and the Palestinians are the invaders . Israel is defending itself from the invaders . Jews have been forcibly evited from the Holy land at various time throughout history and they wont allow the Palestinians to evict them from their land again
  7. Why don't you help the Aborigines by giving them their own Country ? You took their ancient land and stole their Iron Ore at the sacred 46 000 year old Juurkan Gorge cave . You blew Aboriginal land up to take the Iron Ore in 2020 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/may/26/rio-tinto-blasts-46000-year-old-aboriginal-site-to-expand-iron-ore-mine
  8. Where have I stereotyped all Palestinians ? I commented on the Palestinian leadership .
  9. Your Country stole Aborigines land , now you want Palestinians to steal Jewish land . You seem to be a habitual land thief . What next ? Should felangs steal Pattaya from the Thais ?
  10. Palestinians sided with the Nazis in WW2 . and the current Palestinian leadership still has the same Nazi ideology regarding to Jews , so its a legitimate comparison
  11. You haven't stolen any Aboriginal land since 1788 ........because you already have it all , you took everything , there is no more land left to take . Why don't you give the Aborigines a Country and have Sydney as its Capital city and all of New South Wales as an Aborigine Country with an Aboriginal name ? Why isn't there a Aborigine Country ? Its their land after all
  12. Where is your Aborigines homeland ? Have you given them a Country yet ?
  13. Hitler wanted to rid his Country of Jews , Palestinians want to rid the Country of Jews , Palestinians want to finish the job Hitler started , Palestinians have support from Neo Nazis around the World
  14. Be very careful of those cheap agencies , have you actually got the ticket yet ?
  15. Because they do not accept Israel's right to exist .
  16. Israel attacks Gaza when Gaza fires missile into Israel . Israel doesn't fire missiles into Gaza for no reason. Israel fires missiles into Gaza as a response to missiles coming from Gaza to Israel
  17. Actually the food available in Gordons restaurants include Grilled Australian lamb Filet Mignon Jidori Chicken Scaloppini Quinoa Salad Sole Meuniere And his specialty is the Beef Wellington Which is probably a meat pie and tomato sauce to you
  18. But they do though , Palestinians have been warring with Jordon, Egypt and Syria to varying degrees . Palestinians and Jordon had a war in Jordon which lasted nearly a year and thousands died in the civil war
  19. The film Gulliver's travels, where the word comes from, was a bit before my time , it was an old Black and White film from the 1930's , Star Wars was more my era . Chewbacca, C3PO and R2D2 are names that I am more familial with, rather than Yahoodis from Gulliver's travels
  20. OK, so we got the name sorted out. Now, what war crimes has he committed ?
  21. You do love a condescending insult , don't you . Yes, I have never heard of the word "Yahoo" being used to insult people , but its rather juvenile to add it to someone's name , although I expect that you thought that you were being very clever with that
  22. OK, got it, its an insult "Have you ever heard people talk insultingly about uneducated, uncultured country folks? They probably referred to them as yahoos. If someone calls you a yahoo, it's definitely an insult. Yahoos are thought to have very little education and culture. People think of yahoos as folks who were raised in a barn — maybe literally. A yahoo can also be called a bumpkin, hayseed, hick, rube, yokel, or hillbilly. You can't really be a yahoo if you're from a big city. So if you want to insult someone from New York, you'll need to find a different word."
  23. You are not making much sense , could you post the link ? "Google" , could you add some more words so I know what you mean ?
  24. Could you provide a link to where that came from ? Nothing comes in in a websearch
  25. Yahoo is a search engine . Netanyahu isn't a search engine
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