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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. What is HOA ? In the UK it takes days to get a Court order telling them to leave and they have 48 hours to leave , after that they can get jailed for non compliance
  2. You should go to Gordon Ramsey's new restaurant and tell him how to cook food , quite sure he would appreciate the advice on how food should be cooked
  3. The girls at the time thought the no one would believe them and for one reason or another they didn't report it , but once other girls have made the allegation, those girls feel confident someone would believe them and so they make a police report as well
  4. Here is an excerpt from Russel Brands radio show on BBC Radio He had gone into an small office where there was a woman there , he got his knob out and presented it to the woman and said that he was "going to f**** her" He then went on the radio and told the listeners about it , you can hear it here in the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-66882644
  5. I did mean KFC as an example of non Thai food , rather than specifically a KFC , I will amend my post for you "Rice and noodles 3 times a day gets rather repetitive after a few days and foreigners are often eating food other than rice and noodles within a week *
  6. You can get squatters out quite easily these days . Takes just a few days
  7. The ones that like various different foods and not eat the same thing everyday ?
  8. The request was to make sure that Brand doesn't reply to the allegations on his You Tube channels , that would interfere with justice and may stop other victims coming forward . The move would actually stop a trial by media
  9. How do you know that he was "having the time of his life" ? Moving from town to town and staying alone in hotels can be a sad lonely experience
  10. Rice and noodles 3 times a day gets rather repetitive after a few days and foreigners are often in a KFC within a week
  11. Right, so if the RTP say he was murdered , you wouldn't believe them and you would claim that it was suicide ?
  12. I only mentioned it when you incorrectly made a claim as to what this thread is about and I just thought that I would correct you . You make a false claim that this thread is about Abbas comparing Israel to Nazi Germany . I then stepped in to tell you what this thread is really about I did feel that you needed correcting and apologies for not telling you what this thread was about ten pages ago . If someone posts another thread, I will let you know what the thread is about a bit sooner next time
  13. This story is about Abbas making an anti sematic speech Abbas didn't compare Israel to Nazi Germany . You did that . You are trying to convince people that Israel are Neo Nazis You have been doing that , no one else . BTW, you are the only person to mention "off=topic" as well
  14. No, this thread isn't about whether Israel could be described as a Nazi state or not , This thread is about Abbas making an anti Semitic speech . You yourself and you only are making comparisons between Nazi Germany and Israel . Abbas didn't even make the comparison , YOU did . In a thread about an anti semetic speech , you are in the thread comparing Israel to Nazi Germany
  15. Genocide "he deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide" Palestinian population growth :
  16. ^ Four days spend trying to turn the discussion around to genocide so that he could post all his links , kept asking numerous people numerous times whether they thought it was genocide or not . No one at all replied and so he just posted the links anyway ????
  17. I have never said that . This is getting ridiculous , When I write things, don't you seem to be able to comprehend what I wrote or you just don't read what I wrote and you keep making thing up about things I didn't say . I just keep saying the same things over and over again and it still doesn't seem to register . Its like talking to a brick wall , and as I am wasting my time saying anything and saying it over and over again , I think that I will stop even bothering . Four times now I have said that you can criticises Israel and you still ask .......................................give up, waste of my time
  18. Well , apart from Israel isn't my Country . Once again, for the fifth time , you can criticise Israel , but just think about your own Countries history before you start pointing fingers and accusing others of taking other peoples land .
  19. What I am saying is that White Australians need to think about their own history before being critical of others in regards to stealing other peoples land . Was the stolen generation of Aborigine Children , where White Australians took Aborigine Children away from their families en masse , was that genocide ?
  20. Nope, what I think is that White Australians who have been on the land for 300 odd years , shouldn't be telling Israelis who have been on their land for 3000 years , they really shouldn't be telling them that they have no right to be there 300 years V 3000 years .
  21. I was just pointing out that an Australian , whose ancestors have lived in Australia for 300 odd years and who have treated the local Aborigines appallingly over the years is being critical of Israelis , whose ancestors have lived on the land for 3000 years and telling them they have no right live on the land . Palestinian Israelis seem to be faring much better than Australian Aborigines . He needs to access the situation, before being critical of others
  22. Comparing contemporary Israel to the Nazis is regarded as being Anti Semitic and I have provided a link to show this numerous times , you just provide a link that gives the basic of what Anti Semitism is , it was one sentence with six letters in . You hold Israel to a different standard than you do other Countries, which is also being Anti Semetic . I have said time and time again , you are free to criticise the Israeli Government , but when you start comparing them to Nazi Germany , thats when it becomes Anti -Semitic
  23. That is like a double bluff , a person who appears to be anti Semitic and appears to keep making anti sematic statements , when it gets pointed out that he appears to be Anti - Semitic , he falls back on "Can't even say I don't like Falafels without being accused of Anti Semitism" . *All I said was that I don't like Hummas* *Yeah , but Jews should nt be on the land and its nothing to do with Religion "
  24. I would like to know why you just concentrate on Israel and ignore other Countries who are doing similar , your Country included . You and your people took Aborigines land , Aborigines are second class citizens in Australia . You seem to have an agenda against Israel , is it just a coincidence that Israel is the Jewish nation ?
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