Do you get many Israelis campaigning for an Aboriginal homeland in Australia ?
Are there many Israelis seeking equal rights for Aborigines ?
Shouldn't you be tidying up your own house first ?
Rather than pointing fingers at Jews ?
If you want to be a in a relationship with someone , then be in a relationship with someone .
If you want to be single, then be single .
Just do what you want to do and don't be concerned about anyone else
If a person back home, I take it you are from the USA .
If a person was just critical of Black people and only focused his abuse on Black people and tuned a blind eye to all other races of people doing similar .
How would you describe that person ?
The Two million Palestinians who are Israeli citizen do indeed get an equal vote .
Are you seriously suggesting that non Israeli citizens should vote in Israeli elections .
Should the USA allow Mexicans to vote in their elections ?
Do stop this nonsense , there are two million Palestinians living in Israel with equal rights and they can vote and they can and do get elected to the Knesset , Israel's Parliament
They can have a Palestinian state in the West bank with the Jewish settlers living there as Palestinian citizens .
Israel accepts Palestinian Muslims as its citizens , why cant a Palestine accept Jews as its citizens ?
It was written by the P.L.O in 1964 and it was for all Palestinians and it considerers the state of Israel to be completely illegal and for Israel to be wholly replaced by an Islamic state
Yasser Arafat claimed to have amended the Palestinian Charter , Israel says he didn't and also Palestinians now say it wasn't amended
Try reading the Palestinian Charter , the Palestinians set out their plans for the future in their Charter and they want an Islamic state under Sharia law .
See, this belongs in the Middle East for beginners category
The Palestinians want a hard line Iranian style Islamic state with Sharia law Governing the land .
Woman will have to wear Hijabs , LGTB people will get thrown off buildings and all the other things that Sharia law Countries participate in
Yes, The U.K had to follow E.U rules and accept the lowest bidder and that lowest bid came from Poland , now we have left the E.U, we can now make our own passports
It wouldn't get any responses , because some people only seem to take an interest when it involves Israel .
I am just wondering why some people just take an interest in Israel , wonder why that is ?
You should take an interest in World affairs .
Which side of the Yemen civil war do you think should form the legitimate Government in Yemen ?
Do you think that the Houthi forces should form the next Government ?
Another one giving a running commentary !!!!!!!!
I was asking the question as to why you take such an interest in Palestinians and not some other group, like Aborigines for example or American Indians