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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. The media are just reporting on the allegations , the media haven't found him to be guilty of anything and the media does not have the ability to do that , only Courts can do that
  2. Why would there have to be three people there ?
  3. OK, he went into the toilet after her and locked them in and got his knob out and said....................can you look above at the previous posts for the in-depth report ?
  4. Yes ,as we are only on the second page , it wouldn't take much effort to read the posts , otherwise we all just have to keep repeating ourselves
  5. That point was made above and replied to above
  6. What you mean is that the political party that you support, did nt win the election . You think that its a "failure" because you lost , the winners will have a different opinion
  7. What would be your opinion if a young Muslims Police officer shot dead a White Caucasian pensioner for not indicating when he turned left ?
  8. He is pretending to be someone in authority , you have a history of doing that yourself
  9. That is what he seemed to be saying
  10. You really don't need to involve your Mum , there is no need to tell her anything
  11. I do know that . Its the firearms unit that carries................errm...........firearms .
  12. What is the significance of a Dads Army reference ?
  13. So in a nutshell , if a Woman consents to having sex once , you should then be able to rape her anytime you like ?
  14. What do you think of the film "Dirty Harry" ? (BTW , I am not too far from where the killing took place)
  15. The question is that whether the car ramming was life threatening to the Police . Did the policeman think that his life was in danger or was he just annoyed that someone dented his car ?
  16. She went into the bathroom to get some medicine , Brand followed her in there and then locked the door and then got his knob out to and told her that he was going to "f*** her " with it Brand didn't go into the toilet to urinate , he went in there to have sex with the woman
  17. I am not in favourer of anyone's criminal history and criminals should be prosecuted . The Police shouldn't have the legal right to kill people . We have laws in the U.K and if its found that the policeman acted lawfully, he will get a not guilty verdict . If you are in favour of the law and law abiding people , then the Policeman should follow the rule of law and be judged in Court
  18. I'd be more concerned about bullets flying around , rather than a car driving around . I can avoid a car , wouldn't be able to avoid a bullet
  19. Could you read my post again ? This bit "and have no sympathies for George Floyd "
  20. There would have been other options available , other than a warm glass of milk or a bullet in the head . (If the car had been involved in a gun crime the previous day, they should have shot the car ????
  21. Nope, I am a right wing pro Trump , pro Brexit , Kyle Rittenhouse supporter and have no sympathies for George Floyd . Now I have got that out the way , I don't think that the U.K police should have the legal right to assassinate people . If it is shown that he had a gun and was threatening the police , then I will change my mind and then agree with the polices actions
  22. The USA gives Israel 3 Billion in military aid on the condition that Israel buys USA made arms Israel uses the aid money to buy USA arms , which benefits the USA economy Basically Israel gets 3 Billion $ worth of free USA weapons a year and this benefits USA arm manufactures
  23. ^Deleted because of large font :Yes, he should have gotton out his car and he shouldn't have rammed the police car . But should the police have killed him for doing that ? His actions were wrong . But the Polices actions are what is being questioned
  24. I don't need protecting from Black people , I need protecting from old bill with shooters
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