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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Were Jews troublemakers throughout history and that's why they been persecuted through the ages and did they deserve the Holocaust for being troublemakers ? Is that your question ?
  2. What is your opinion on that ? Why have Jews been persecuted continuously throughout the ages ? My opinion is that Christians and Muslims stole/burrowed the Jews God and used their new Regions to persecute the original Religion . Muslims and Christians stole God (for themselves) and used it to persecute Jews What is your opinion on that?
  3. This is a thread about Abbas's anti Semitic speech , why have you felt the need to criticise Israel in a thread about an Anti-Semitism ? Why do you want to turn the subject to a "bash Israel" thread ..........................in a thread about Anti Semitism speeches ? If you want to discuss the situation in the West bank, then we can do so in another suitable thread
  4. That link doesn't support your claim, you claimed that "Apparently you fail to see the hypocrisy! Israel still expects Germany to pay annual reparations for something that ended almost 8 decades ago " And that isnt in the link you provided
  5. I have said that he is free to comment on the situation in the area , I have just stated that Anti-Semetic statements are not acceptable . You seem to be stating that Anti Semitic statements are a reasonable and acceptable response to any actions taken by Israel .
  6. Any alleged crimes committed doesn't make it acceptable to make anti Semitic comments . Abbas is free to make any Political points about the situation in Israel . Gaza and the West Bank , but any grievances doesn't give him an allowance to make anti semetic comments
  7. I did mean their Countries , rather than them personally
  8. I don't know, how do dead people still land ?
  9. Ordinary Palestinians in Israel have the same rights as other Israelis , Palestinians serve on Israel's Parliament after being elected and Palestinians play for Israel's Nation football team Israeli Palestinians have equal rights to other Israeli citizens , there is no apartheid happening .
  10. I do hope that you are not a Caucasian from Canada, USA , Australia or New Zealand whilst pointing fingers at other people and accusing them of land theft
  11. I am one person, one poster and I am not part of any group of people and I don't have any "pals" here . Israel is in the Middle East , there is brutality and violence going on all over the Middle East .
  12. So answer this question . Why are you focusing on any of Israel's wrong doings ?
  13. This thread isn't about any of Israel wrong doings either . Its your focus on Israel's wrong doings that is the thing that speaks volumes
  14. Why just focus on Israel ? Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are NOT Israeli citizens , so of course they will not be treated like Israeli citizens
  15. Why should I focus on Israel ? The whole World needs to stop doing it , not just Israel
  16. Everyone in the whole World should all start being nice to each other and stop killing and attacking each other
  17. Hamas control Gaza , Hamas won the election and were voted in by the Palestinian population , that is why they control Gaza
  18. Those so called "atrocities" are rather insignificant compared to real atrocities taking place in other parts of the World . Other parts of the world where there is real genocide happening like in Myanmar or real atrocities like in Yemen
  19. Could you provide a a link to show what claim you mean ? A link to show what repatriations you mean . Jews round the World are still making claims against Germans for stolen property , is this what you are referring to ?
  20. He is a comedian ^ He tells jokes . A joke doesn't make a contribution to intelligent discussion
  21. That is just an opinion and it cannot be said with certainty
  22. Jews have been on the land continuously for 3000 years = Their land
  23. You may as well introduce your friend . What is his name ?
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