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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. I was asking you in reference to the post that YOU posted . Biden does something = Trumps fault You post something = Kingston kids fault I see a pattern emerging here
  2. How is that connected to Bidens poll rating in 2023 ?\ ????
  3. They are usually long retired before they go senile , retirement age is 60 odd years old
  4. You can find all the locations if you do a google websearch If you cannot use a search engine, I did a websearch for you and the results are here https://www.google.com/search?q=passport+photo+in+Chiang+Rai&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#rlimm=16553254827041136948
  5. You will find that some people from all Countries act in that manner not just Thais . If a Ugandan man went to the cinema in El Salvador and asked a Korean man to keep quiet , what do you think would happen ?
  6. People who work in the sex industry are usually more brash and direct and vociferous , rather than those who don't work in the sex industry
  7. Where did you speak with those ladyboys and what work did they do ?
  8. I am here because of etiquette in cinemas and peoples behaviour in cinemas ans whether talking through movies is the norm these days................................I am not bothered about what clothes the people were wearing
  9. I have very little interest in other peoples gender, sexuality or the clothes they wear or what they call themselves or what letter they are or whether they are curious about anything or not.
  10. Were they trans woman or trans men ?
  11. Maybe it was her girlfriend asking her why she was kissing a man ?
  12. They were given free flags when entering the arena , tens of thousands of free flags were given to people and its traditional to wave flags around at the concert . As its quite dark inside the concert (I was there myself recently) hall , I doubt whether people opened their free flags and give it much thought about Brexit . Its not as though thousands of the audience support Remain and took flags along to show their support, they were given free flags when entering
  13. Left wingers sabotaging an event again , they seem to thrive on disruption , not unhappy unless the focus is on them . Although we should be thank-ful that they didn't stop the performance and throw orange paint around
  14. I don't think that it was a "deal" , just an agreement and as stated in the report, just a symbolic agreement without much substance and Joe went there just to sign the agreement, rather than to participate in any dialogue , but yeah, seems like he did manage to sign his name
  15. Trump was the worst human being ever to be born , even Satan himself wouldn't have a beer with Trump . Saying Biden is better than Trump isn't too much of an accolade for Biden
  16. Things are a bit more serious that just being a bad public speaker . Poor Joe looked like is was in outer space and he didn't seem with it at all
  17. Just discussing the situation in a pragmatic way . Being honest really isn't "sticking the boot in" , its just giving an honest opinion
  18. He is a Brit who left the U.K to live abroad and only went back to the U.K because he didn't have much other choice
  19. You seem to want a warm welcome everywhere you go and get treated like Royalty with all your whims granted and everyone is really pleased to see you and you get anything you want and the full five start luxury service..........................in a 7/11 in Pattaya .
  20. That is because he opted out of U.K life . Had he remained in the U.K and remained in a home, there would have been protection laws to keep him in his home and he could have applied for housing benefit to pay his rent . He can still apply for housing benefit , the only problem would be finding a property that will accept him, due to his lack of accountability caused by him being abroad .
  21. British citizens have social security and housing laws to protect them and also housing benefit to stop homelessness and Brits are also expected to work to pay for their accommodation . Boat immigrants cannot work or claim benefits . I do sympathise with the O.P , but he did opt out of U.K life and headed to warmer climes without much planning for his future. You cannot expect to spend the productive years of your life partying in Pattaya and then go back to the U.K and be given a house to live in .
  22. Would you support Thailand if Thailand rejected western Culture and banned all Christmas activities ?
  23. I did have a similar situation where I got some passport photos done and my face was too big as the UK has strict PP photo measurements . I showed him the required measurements and he printed some more photos . I didn't boycott the shop or write a social media post about it
  24. If you refrain from shouting and being abusive and confrontational and politely explain that the Embassy didn't accept the photos because of photo shopping , its quite likely that they wouldn't photoshop photos in the future . IMO, that would be the better thing to do, rather than boycotting the shop
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