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Everything posted by SingAPorn

  1. How do you know he is not ? If by your standards it is normal behaviour to walk around so scantilly clad, to agressively shout at people, shout at the rescue workers, try to flee on a railroad track....it could then be a bit useless to argue further. Have you fully read the article ?
  2. They should also fix a legal age that bans people more then 55 years old to date young 22 year old gold diggers...
  3. Can it not complicate things if there is no exit stamp on your PP, say next time you are back and need to do some immigration formalities ?
  4. Many media's do say after all that she somewhat "slept her way up".. !!
  5. When I see all those bodybuilt tatooed western guys playing the tough guy who are meekly walking back to the hotel followed closely by a 6 ft tall ladyboy behind, pretending the LB is not with them,. I think the more these guys that act tough, mouthy, virile and act to be big playboys, the more gay they are from behind 🤣
  6. We all love Bob Smith and his reports...
  7. I prefer the bikini clad air hostesses of Viet Jet Air...
  8. Yes yes of course, by some strange coincidence, this "news" just comes out now...how about the dodgy interactions with people like Clinton to Gates or Prince Andrew and other individuals hoarding all the money or power in America or the UK ?
  9. Apparently the cops could not care less...no thai's involved so let those pesky falangs fight amongst them selves ? But the situation is no better all over the world with the free entry pass given to almost the entire population of Ukraine to freely roam and stay in the UE or UK. Many are innocent victims for sure, but quite obvious that some of the mafia scum from ukraine would take advantage of the situation to sneak inside EU or UK borders. There have even been reports of non ukrainians who bought genuine UA passports from corrupt officials in Ukraine and thus got their free entry and hefty social welfare checks all over the west.
  10. I would try to get invited to her place, get her drunk and take back what is rightfully mine...and would act before she spends it all on Lazada and lottery tickets.
  11. If I had the right to vote in America, I would definately vote Trump, even if the person has a despicable arrogant attitude. More and more legal and integrated hispanics, arabs, africans etc in the USA are aiming to vote for Trump. It just shows that really all the different segments of American society are fed up with the mess left by the Biden's cronies and the Democrats in General who only know how to ignite tensions and wars all over to sell their arms. Sorry if I offend anybody, but that how much of the world thinks about America nowdays, mainly since their sanctions against Russia that a creating economic chaos in the West and slowly catching up in Asia. Asia however was smarter then Europe and did not give in to the bullying sanctions imposed. Trump does not do politics to run office - he uses common sense.
  12. For me it's hard to make a difference when an east european speaks english or when any french speaking person does.
  13. Call the Brit embassy on the spot, have them pick up the junkie and deported next day on their expense.
  14. Many official massage parlours or girlie bars have underage girls. How is the client supposed to check as he can assume they are all legal ? And what if there is a police raid when you are hanging around ? they will definately not loose the chance to make some grub on your wallet. Remeber the "zig zag scams" at Suvarnabhumi airport where foreigners were targetted on false claims, thrown in the airport lock up jail and asked to pay 10'000 $ to be let out. Was in 2016 or 2017 not sure.....all to say is that anything is good to trap a falang for money here, so I would just stay away from those girls below 20 in the first place no matter where.
  15. Have it filmed on the phone or ask her the question near your CCTV camera that has sound recording.
  16. Just as the Swiss, the French or the Germans are often over insured with multiple coverages....many other nationals do not have any coverage at all for accidents or illness. It's a rule of the thumb that you must have proper coverage from your home country in the first place. At worst, for the broke Sports Pub blokes from Birmingham or Manchester, there are specific insurance coverages for travel that cover illness/accident for a few months. The UK social healthcare system with the American system are one of the worse coverages in the world, where only the rich can affort proper healthcare. It is due to such people that all falangs get a bad image in Thailand and rules worsed from day to day. Wish him a prompt recovery nevertheless and sorry for his mishap.
  17. Very true, but I was referring to a decent airport, not those *°*&% places like Heathrow or Paris CDG which are just a plain mess (to be polite). Look at those highly efficient hubs of the Middle east. Multiple terminals but no need for all that absurd commuting that is confusing and time consuming. And in Thailand, at SAT 1 terminal, the VIP meet. greet and escort services do not operate from SAT 1. One needs to commute to the Main Terminal and be greeted there so no point any more in taking even the fast track.
  18. The jealous one's will rant that the Yellow book and pink ID are useless. Not sure for the yellow book, but any kind of official ID is always useful as it avoids having to run around with one's passport. Yes, yes okok the same one's will say no problem with photocopy of passport etc etc...but if you fall on one of the many highly "efficient, honest and devoted" chaps in brown uniform with golden wings all over who wants a special falang contribution, no doubt that the photocopy can be challenged in this country full of virtue and Police integrity !! 😇 But it is also a fact that many bank clerks love to harass falangs and often will refuse the Thai driving licence or similar document, other then the passport. Happened to me in Hua Hin, Market Village branch of Kasikorn Bank on the 2nd fl. and also to few other foreigners who are my neighbours in the developpment.
  19. There is this new SAT1 terminal that is slowly starting to operate in Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport. Despite all the flashy publicity around it, this brand new terminal is far from being convenient for passengers. If your flight arrives at this terminal, you will need to take an airport train to reach the main terminal for immigration and luggage claim. Same for departures and thus extra time needed after check in and security to reach this new SAT 1 terminal. Hopefully the clever airlines will avoid using this terminal that is definately not convenient due to the commuting required between the terminals. Why did they not make check-in counters, immigration booths and luggage claims directly inside the SAT 1 terminal to make life more simple for passengers ?
  20. Heard that the office in Hua Hin goes out of it's way to make a fuss and hush away the foreigner in inventing some new document to be produced.
  21. I'm sure Thai immigration will find a few ways to still make a fuss and make life difficult for foreigners...
  22. The point is that 90% of the foreigners in Thailand sporting their skinny or chubby thai ladies in restaurants, the malls and showing off all over, have plainly got those fine ladies on rent at the end of the day. So nothing to brag really about...the problem is that even those who are in a "normal" relationship, will be considered by bystanders to have rented the lady.
  23. I think that Ukraine has far more pro Nazi supporters compared to those who vote for Trump.
  24. Name a close person of trust abroad who has power of attorney on the account or the code of the ATM. And give instructions on how to make the payments online for the tuition fees when she's adult.
  25. Next time, go to Vietnam or a nice sunny beach in Spain, Malta or the Carribean...prices won't be all that more in most cases, much less for VietNam and it will be all cleaner, more foreigner friendly and you won't get that much cheated as in Thailand. No rocket science...
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