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  1. Tender then ?
  2. This war will only end when Putin has succeeded in extracting original goals at minimum and probably more. Trump can preen and preach to his ego's content and pretend he has influence.
  3. Pfft ! only 10+ million so far ! Interestingly it is being said that Patel has instructed FBI employees to ignore Musk's request.
  4. Or is it the new uninhibited era of BS presented cynically as Free speech ?
  5. Propaganda .
  6. The claim the Justice system was "weaponized" is very much a MAGA claim in support of Trump. The reality is/was that the normal processes of the judicial system were applied. In many cases it appropriately found against Trump. In some it found for. That Trump feels he is somehow above the Law is unfortunate especially now he claims as POTUS he is entitled to not only ignore US Law but that he and only he can make Law. Goodbye the USA.
  7. you believe you or i will see a $5000 stay quiet bribe? 😂
  8. Explains a lot .
  9. So no governance for "the people". Just dereliction of any social norms in favor of the ignorant sycophants. Perform according to the dictate of Project 2025 oblivious of the long term impact but happy with the gratuitous shock and awe. Recipe for a Diktator.
  10. Are you feeling outnumbered and threatened?
  11. IMHO the accelerating destruction of the US federal structure being replaced with an authoritarian egotistical Clown is spelling the end of the US . Goodnight and good luck .
  12. Where in your own recycled regurgitations is the Discussion element?
  13. An unfortunate reality. He discovered the word "groceries" and became fascinated because it was probably a life revelation that it describes household items that normal people or paid staff actually purchase whereas in his experience since childhood has been that such menial items simply were present and beneath consideration of how. That ignorance extends across every aspect of his mis-perceptions of reality. tariffs and restrictions with immediate or even "delayed" application does/has not left trade partners hanging in expectation. They have immediately sought and found alternatives. US trade deficits are on course to increase and will be coupled to inflation. Technology bans have backfired as the market has diversified and expanded. The "pipe dream" of Made in the USA" has been hobbled by base resource material restrictions and the defunct factories pre exodus to China are in demolition condition anyway . Agriculture and farming is in turmoil .
  14. IMHO Trump is self convinced that he has the capacity to manipulate geopolitics with naive threats of financial wand waving utilizing Musk as some sort of Sword of Damocles,. Destroying and destabilizing the US federal infrastructure and therefore State infrastructure in an ad hoc blitz to the severe detriment of the citizens is no recipe for reestablishing a rapidly diminishing significance on all fronts. At th end of the day it is the real oligarchs that control the money who dictate outcomes even as they may be entertained by Musk who is acclaimed by virtue of shareholdings that currently are shedding value like wilting roses. In that context Trump and his loyal beagle Musk are simply being granted enough rope to be saved to hang themselves. And may Paula White create much more gibberish to see them off at their political funeral before racing home to count the stash derived from illegitimate religious conflict in US politics.

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