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  1. Its about time Biden was removed as a candidate but why is he allowed to continue to be President when he is obviously not functioning on all cylinders? I cannot imagine that things will be better under Word Salad Harris. And who will be First Lady under Harris, Hillary? This cannot be a good thing for the citizens of America.
  2. Much easier to just pay the 2,000 baht fine when you renew your visa as the end of the period. I never bother with the 90 day report.
  3. Jealous, you have got to be kidding. The Thai men laugh at the old geezers with the brown, short tatted up farm girls that most expats are so proud to be with.
  4. I do not care if it would get a million miles on one charge, I would never drive this piece of junk.
  5. So true, Thailand needs to attract quality tourists such as those found in Kazakhstan. Borat made a movie about the great Kazakhstan: "Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" Thailand can help Thailand make Kazakhstan great again.
  6. Thank you for this clarification on my opinion of the expat life in Pattaya.
  7. I would have to agree. Loathing is usually well earned such as when someone publishes his hate for world religions.
  8. Serves the Brits right. I would suppose they are used to mistreating people where ever they go but this time, they got the ever loving stuffing kicked out of them. Watching the video is better than watching Muay Thai boxing. This video will get a million clicks on YouTube no problem. Stupid Brits.
  9. My plan is to pray to God about this situation and then do the right thing and obey the laws of Thailand.
  10. What I find interesting is that so many posters are living on the fringe.
  11. Yet another reason to never get on a motorbike in Thailand. I could fill a book with the number of apprehensions to getting on a bike.
  12. Why buy a condo in Bangkok when so many condos are cheap to rent? Condos depreciate in Thailand as the Thais do not maintain their buildings. I made the mistake of buying a condo and really regret it. Live and learn I guess.
  13. Anyone who gets on a motorbike in Thailand is a potential suicide victim as they should realize that they are taking their life in their own hands.
  14. This info is very interesting. I did not realize that a Thai drivers license could be legal in the U.S. What about insurance polices in the U.S.? Do insurance companies cover if a person has a Thai drivers license?
  15. Stupid is as stupid does and that is why they call it dope.
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