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Everything posted by WhatMeWorry

  1. Its called Trump derangement syndrome. It gets in the heads of the far left wachos and they cannot sleep at night nor function in a civilized society.
  2. So, what is it with the Brits? Has the rain made their heads soggy or are they just plain stupid.
  3. Antisemitism among the left wing democratic voting students is in full display on campus. No hiding the fact that these students care little for the right of Israel to defend its borders and try to rescue its citizens from the terrorist Hamas rapists.
  4. "touring Thailand yearly on motorbikes" I just cannot fathom that scenario even in my worst nightmares.
  5. It seems like it always the British, do these people have a brain.
  6. Even beautiful women love Trump. Make American beautiful again, Trump 2024
  7. Another idiot motorbike rider without a brain. Careless and stupid while on a bike.
  8. Most likely you are one of those Bud Light drinking NASCAR fans.
  9. So true and Keep Right is a smart man for taking this issue to court. The idiot on the scooter will soon learn that stupidity has consequences.
  10. I am really amazed at the way many foreigners behave in Thailand including riding motorbikes. Its like they leave their brains when checking in at Immigration upon entering Thailand. These foreigners would never behave like idiots in their own country, why here?
  11. Stupid is as stupid does and the guy on the scooter sure meets the definition of stupid. Some people do not value their lives, such as those that ride a motorbike in Thailand, therefore they suffer the consequences of their actions. I have no pity for the idiot.
  12. I never tip in my home country but often tip the Line delivery drivers here in Thailand. Riding a motorbike in Thailand is very dangerous and these drivers deserve some extra help.
  13. For one of my law classes in college I sat in on a court proceeding for an important murder case. It took all day to select a jury and I dozed off many times during the proceedings. It is a very boring process and it is ridiculous that the left wing press is making a big deal out of Trump closing his eyes.
  14. Interesting question. I was stopped by a Thai police officer while trying to cross the street. He noticed a bulge in my pocket and asked me to show him what it was. I think he might have assumed it was drugs. So I pulled out my can of police (USA) mace and showed him. There was some writing in English on the small container but I do not think he could read English. So he let me go without a problem but I think he might have thought it was an asthma inhaler.
  15. So true Classic Ray. I just got back from shopping at Central. It is a short distance but I was going to buy some food items and I did not want to carry them home. So I drove my Nissan Teana with a V6 engine to Central. As I was driving I thought that I really want to keep this car as long as possible because they just are not making larger sedans with V6 engines in Thailand anymore. I have 0.00% interest in an EV so I will baby my ICE and keep it running as long as possible.
  16. I would encourage you to join your condo committee but be aware that the Thai members will not take you seriously. The Thais are so cheap, they do not want to maintain their buildings. All they are concerned about is keeping the maintenance fee down and collecting their rent money.
  17. What, me worry? I guess I am one of the strange ones that never worried about Covid. I rarely wore a mask and did not get shot up with experimental drugs. I was thinking it would be interesting to actually get Covid to see what it felt like. Maybe I did get it but never felt any symptoms.
  18. You don't knock a bag into a car if you are properly following a vehicle in front of you. It seems this motorbike driver was weaving in and out of traffic like the Thais do. It is insanity to ride a motorbike in Thailand.
  19. I find it interesting that you are able to express this viewpoint but others who criticize those who get experimental Covid shots have their post deleted.
  20. My wife and I are always nude in our condos, we never wear clothing except when someone visits.
  21. So very, very true bkk6060. I have a friend that was just admitted to a Thai government hospital with a stoke. He could not afford a private hospital. He is 88 years old living on SS. He has no will and lives with a caretaker. There is no way to access a little bit of money that he has in an investment account. The hospital wants to get paid. So his caretaker is trying to figure out a way for her to get his money to pay the hospital, marriage or a fake marriage certificate. Why is it that some expats get themselves in these situations?
  22. Nuclear Power is the fastest way to double U.S. Grid Capacity: https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/01/18/1086753/advanced-nuclear-power/
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