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Everything posted by WhatMeWorry

  1. I think the Chinese are searching more about the corruption in Thailand and whether Thailand is safe for travel.
  2. It seems that some are living beyond their means.
  3. I wonder how much was in this guy's brown envelope. Thailand is such a pathetically corrupt country.
  4. Interesting idea, I keep raising my credit card limits even though I do not use my home country credit cards. I do this in case of an emergency.
  5. This is so very true. The Americans vote for the liberal left wing Democrats that allow this behavior to destroy the society of a once great nation.
  6. Its like in the Starman movie where Jeff says, green go, red stop, yellow go faster. To the Thais, the zebra stripe is an invitation to drive faster and not stop.
  7. What pathetic losers the Canadians are for electing this turd.
  8. Well, I would have to agree with him, there are many EV car loonies that want to take away the right of those who enjoy gas fuel vehicles with mandates.
  9. There seems to be a common element in each of these scenes. I think I saw some of these people selling drugs in the Nana area.
  10. Thailand will sell its soul to China for money. Its all about money with the Thais, nothing else matters to them.
  11. England's economy is doing much better than socialist Germany. England also is no longer under the totalitarian, globalist control of the elite in Brussels.
  12. I think any place in the world is better than Canada.
  13. MAGA 2024
  14. As much as I would like to disagree with you, you have a valid opinion. After living in Thailand for over twenty years I find myself avoiding the Thais even though I am able to hold a conversation with them in the Thai language. Its more of an issue of having nothing in common with them and not being interested in what they have to say.
  15. I have enough anxiety in my life without worrying about my car.
  16. But, but, but I thought Islam was the religion of peace.
  17. I agree, not only get as many experimental mRNA shots as you can but also wear at least three pair of N95 masks everywhere you go including the beach.
  18. I went into an IKEA once, only once. I felt like a rat running around trying to get out of a maze. If you like cheap, laminated furniture, this store is for you.
  19. The only show I watched was the Brady Bunch, over and over and over again!
  20. It is interesting that most Malls in Thailand have Japanese, Korean, or Western food. You rarely see any Thai restaurants in malls. And these restaurants are packed with Thai people. From what I have witnessed, most Thais do not even like their own national food. They just eat it because it is cheap and filling. As for the spiciness, most Thais add chili because there food is so boring and tasteless.
  21. Its all about money with the Thais, they do not give a s___ about the environment.
  22. I lived in Russian for awhile, I quite enjoyed it. The women are very beautiful and they have some great beers in Russia. Traveling around Russia by train is a great experience as you get to meet many local people. I never had any problems and was always welcomed into peoples homes. And one of the best things was not seeing the debauchery imposed on Western society by those waving the rainbow flag.
  23. Well, the Russians have that going for them.
  24. You and Dean must be brothers, both losers.
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