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Jingthing last won the day on January 9

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    None of your beeswax

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  1. You supported him.
  2. Hardly. Did you vote for Trump to threaten allies with takeovers? When a leader goes mad, it's the patriotic thing to resist him.
  3. I support Ukraine against Russia and in the same vein I support Denmark, Panama, and Canada against Trump. Putin and Trump -- birds of a feather. What's even funnier not ha ha is the not even his most hard core maga base thought they were voting for what he is trying to do with imperialistic expanding the land of the USA. Russia has plenty of land already and so does the USA.
  4. This is a bigger picture observation of what Trump is doing. Yes he is smashing up the government in every way he can. One way is to have incompetent cabinet members totally loyal to him and in some cases picking leaders who are against their departments even existing. Next step -- TOTAL CHAOS. Then -- with his artificially manufactured multi-faceted CRISES, Trump comes in with even more extreme dictatorial actions and powers because the people will be crying for that when everything is falling apart. This is a classic textbook move of authoritarian dictators. He has lots of power now. He wants it ALL. Now I realize the most people that voted for Trump believing his lies about lower grocery prices weren't aware that they were voting for this total madness. But it's too late. He's installed.
  5. A comedy? A holocaust movie? Neither. Refreshingly original hard to categorize movie showcasing the talents of Jesse Eisenberg and Kieran Culkin (yes brother of the Home Alone guy).
  6. That post was a disgusting flame and entirely about you idiotically thinking you understand me. I'm upset that Trump is now an authoritarian dictator and he pushes people based on total loyalty to dear leader that have zero qualifications or competence. For Ambassador to Luxembourg OK. Not for a life and death stakes for the planet job like defense secretary.
  7. Because it's a cult. Daddy knows best.
  8. No it isn't. Just because you're acting the sore maga winner, doesn't mean people should actually respect such madness.
  9. Yes banks do cash U.S. checks but I think they're much more likely to do that when the payee has an account with them. I can imagine them not liking anything different. It helps that it's not a personal check but from a corporation. As far as getting help from a U.S. national, if it's a big check, they might be concerned about remittance tax implications.
  10. Ouch that sounds tricky. I assume if he has a Thai bank account he already asked them I used to contract with Schlumberger in the US and most staff weren't US citizens. Sounds remote but maybe he can beg to them to cancel the check and to send the money western union.
  11. Your posted garbage extremist reality denying right wing propaganda, and I'm bigoted. Sure thing, buddy. The reality is that he OBJECTIVELY lacks qualifications. To suggest otherwise reflects very badly on anyone lying about that.
  12. This is getting kind of silly. If you don't file because your income is exempt and you don't have accessable income over the threshold, and you also keep good RECORDS, in the unlikely event that you're called in about that, you prove your situation, and the worse that can happen is a fine for not filing when you were supposed to. (But you're not supposed to.) If people are going to push anything, push learning about the different kinds of income being accessible or not, and stop pushing unnecessary filing About the irrational FEAR MONGERING that extensions are going to require tax returns, cross that bridge IF it ever happens.
  13. That rag which was promoted by Rush Limbaugh. The author a Fox News contributer. Worthless propaganda. Trying to push the narrative that that boza is at all qualified is insane. With his record, he couldn't get a job managing a retail store. Look I might have different politics than you, but I would NEVER EVER try to pass on such a total nothing stuffed shirt closer to my ideology as being qualified for one of the most powerful roles in the world. That would be idiotic and shameful.
  14. The American Spectator. Say no more.

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