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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There is no appeasing Putin. That just makes him be even more aggressive. I reckon there is a good chance the man after Putin will be much the same.
  2. Obviously BS but I can see that some activities of maintaining a house might be a problem. Like painting the exterior.
  3. Many years ago I started using taxact because they accepted a foreign address while other big names didn't. I reckon by now that other brands have changed. But I've been loyal because of continued good experiences using taxact which they promote by importing previous return info. So I've been OK with paying when they require at least up till now. Yes of course they support state filings but as I use my Thai address I don't need that.
  4. An unorthodox very entertaining murder mystery with lots of unusual twists. https://sea.mashable.com/tv-shows/31491/dead-hot-review-a-wild-mystery-thriller-that-blends-murder-and-dancefloors
  5. Sadly none of those though I Love America is hauntingly close.
  6. Will check all those out later. Currently surrounded by Iranians so it wouldn't be prudent to listen at this time. Yeah the year range is a guess. Could be wrong. Maybe the song wasn't as big of a hit as I thought. The pot thickens.
  7. It's possible that it was more of a ballad than a disco song. So if that's the case I doubt it would have been played in discos. I have some memories of places that I heard it that were not in discos but on the radio. I recall there was a bit of a travelogue aspect to the song in the lyrics.
  8. I guess the rough range for when this song hit is 1975 to 1977
  9. If you were pulling hotties like I was back then at the discos, yeah it definitely sucked, wink wink nod nod.
  10. This might really be a long shot to find. I'm sure it was a hit but not the biggest hit at the time. I've even looked at online lists of songs and couldn't find it. Maybe I need to be hypnotized to remember it?
  11. Um. Nope. But thanks for playing. I will add I think the word America was part of the lyric several times. (Not American Pie).
  12. Thanks. Good song but not it and that was not old enough or disco enough. About the mystery song, it was definitely mostly played in discos though perhaps not a completely typical disco beat (because then I guess I would remember it). About the feeling, I recall it was very upbeat, very America is great because we're really the most free in a much more innocent pre total division era (not political or obnoxiously nationalistic), perhaps with an implicit not explicit message about gay freedom and liberation that was more of a read between the lines kind of thing. It had a lot of radio play. I don't know whether it was as big in straight discos as it was in gay discos.
  13. This has been bothering me for awhile. I remember very little about this song except it was a major hit for one season, I really enjoyed it and how it made me feel good, and it's theme was about "America" though I have no idea if the title had America in it. I don't remember anything about the actually tune, specific lyrics, or artist name. This has been bothering me because normally with old songs that have etched into our memories, you definitely remember at least something of the tune. I don't know if it was popular outside of the U.S. but if I had to guess I would guess that it was, for that one season. So, any of you now aged disco bunnies remember this song to the point of saying what it was because I would love to hear it again (I might hate it now, but I'm flippin' curious) ?!?
  14. April 15 approaches though of course the deadline is later for expats, and you can make it even later if you file for an extension. Anyway, I've been using taxact.com for many years. There was a span where I was eligible for free file but in more recent years I've had to pay ONLY because I get interest income from Thai bank accounts. According to their recent and current rules, any interest income at all kicks you out of the free file category. Technically they say 1099 interest forms. I don't get those from Thai banks but there is no other way to enter my Thai bank interest income on taxact than to do faux 1099 forms as if they did. So anyway I did my very simple return (just social security plus interest income this time) and surprise surprise when it came to the time of paying for the service, it turned out to be free. I don't know why. Maybe their algorithm decided I couldn't afford to pay. But to be clear when I entered the site, the rules for qualifying for free file were clearly stated, and I did not qualify.
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