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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Trump and Putin are both fascists actually.
  2. Yes discrimination. I think most westerners have an extremely superficial understanding of the actual situation for LGBT Thai people. LGBT rights in Thailand - Wikipedia In 2013, the Bangkok Post said that "while Thailand is viewed as a tourist haven for same-sex couples, the reality for locals is that the law, and often public sentiment, is not so liberal."[9] A 2014 report by the United States Agency for International Development and the United Nations Development Programme said that LGBT people "still face discrimination affecting their social rights and job opportunities",[10] and "face difficulty gaining acceptance for non-traditional sexuality, even though the tourism authority has been promoting Thailand as a gay-friendly country"
  3. I read the entire article. The expressed concern about the importance of the specific language in the eventual law is entirely normal, reasonable and legitimate. As educated people understand words matter even more so in laws. There is an indication in the article that there a good chance the details will be addressed one way or another. I would like to add that the immigration implications of the coming marriage equality law need to be formally codified.
  4. 12th to the 19th with the 19th being the grande orgasme, as usual.
  5. Haters gonna hate. The usual ignorant homophobic garbage on display here.
  6. Curb Your Enthusiasm finale happened As you would expect they did some extra special finale type stuff such as including Jerry Seinfeld and referencing back to the widely disliked Seinfeld finale. Whether you love or hate the finale or the entire final season who gives a crap. Both Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm have been highlights for me and so many others That's all over now. I feel sad. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/curb-your-enthusiasm-finale-review
  7. I used to to live on Mission district burritos and also two dollar Mexican style Chinese rice plates. I think massive loaded burritos at the best places were about five bucks back then. Chips and salsa bar included.
  8. In a family of two married adults and children both adults are parents. Period end of story.
  9. Trump would be richer if he had taken the money his KKK Daddy gave him and let it sit passively in a stock market index fund.
  10. I consider such people such as typical pro Putin Russian Z fascists as wishing for the destruction of American democracy.
  11. I'm sticking with the worst and most dangerous human being that the American culture has ever created. No fiction writer nor the founders could have ever imagined him.
  12. Trump and truth don't belong in the sane sentence.
  13. We don't know yet how marriage equality will apply to immigration law but obviously if it does pass through to immigration law it would mean you could get a marriage visa based on marriage to a Thai of any gender.
  14. Visa implications for foreigners marrying Thais? I assume Thailand would then recognize same sex marriages done abroad, yes?
  15. That's a complex question. Did they intend to kill the targets? Obviously. Did they know they were killing food aid workers? Seems so. Should be investigated by an external party. Did they think there were also Hamas targets? Maybe. Should be investigated by an external party. Was this hit authorized at the highest levels? Unknown. Should be investigated by an external party.
  16. I had a highly educated relative message me to express concern about the quake in Taiwan. I didn't want to shame her, so I just acted like she didn't say that.
  17. I like a healthy balance. I hate businesses that won't accept cash and I'm reluctant to travel to countries (China) where you absolutely need digital.
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