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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Much more than gender issues involved in LGBT civil rights.
  2. I'm sure that now the outcome isn't always this good. But if the extremist far right wing anti LGBT Trump 2025 project agenda is implemented it will never be. https://fb.watch/r5c1NL1839/
  3. You can have the last heckle. I'm not going to feed the jelly roll any longer (and suggest others don't bother either).
  4. From 2020. Nothing to do with now and the agenda described in the video.
  5. I matters not what he feels in his heart. What matters is that he's running on an extremist anti LGBT agenda and that agenda has concrete plans to enforce their persecution of LGBT people. It's politics. Like Orban. Like Putin.
  6. The topic is Trump and his intentions towards LGBT civil rights. The topic is not me. If you're not capable of posting on topic, please go away.
  7. I don't even know who that is nor do I care. I've already established that Gays for Trump do exist. So what? Again, a gay person supporting Trump is supporting their own oppression.
  8. Not a liar. A difference of opinion. You don't think he's a fascist. I do think he's a fascist. But that is NOT what this topic is about! It's about the anti LGBT agenda of Trump (fascist or not) if he takes power again. It's about how gay people that support Trump are advocating for their own oppression. This topic is in the GAY forum, if you didn't realize.
  9. So predictable that a topic like this would bring some of the usual suspect vile Jew haters to the surface. It's not like they didn't hate Jews or were silent about that before Gaza. They just feel even more emboldened now knowing they will find more support. Spielberg can't win. He's one of the greatest filmmakers of all time, he has a lot to say about Jew hating, but to Jew haters he's just another rich Jew target of their ancient social disease.
  10. Project 2025 plan will be in effect if he takes power again regardless of what Trump thinks or doesn't think. You lot are so naive. Trump version 2 if it happens will be massively more dangerous than Trump version 1 which was bad enough. A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration | Media Matters for America Project 2025, a comprehensive transition plan organized by right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation to guide the next GOP presidential administration, is the conservative movement’s most robust policy and staffing proposal for a potential second Trump White House — and its extreme agenda represents a threat to democracy, civil rights, the climate, and more. Project 2025 focuses on packing the next GOP administration with extreme loyalists to former President Donald Trump. The plan aims to reinstate Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order that makes federal employees fireable at-will, stripping tens of thousands of employees of civil service protections. Both Trump and others in the conservative movement have said they will clear out the federal government if he is reelected. The project has even set up online trainings and loyalty tests to narrow down potential hires to those who will commit to follow Trump without question. As Project 2025 senior adviser John McEntee has said, “The number one thing you're looking for is people that are aligned with the agenda.”
  11. This is only about the gay persecution part. Go elsewhere to discuss other parts. Trumps history is irrelevant. He used to be a democrat. Now he's a fascist. We need to deal with the here and now, clear and present danger. The video explains why this is NOT all talk. Did you even watch it?
  12. This topic is not about such a narrow detail. I get it -- you're trying to cherry pick something to try to justify the overall Trumpist fascist stance to everything LGBT.
  13. Well that's true. In history some of the most notorious persecutors of gays have been gay themselves. But historically those were deeply closeted gays. Gays for Trump and yes such fools exist are very out as gay so in a way sort of a newer phenom. Also yes of course Trump is very desperate to take power again in order to dodge prison, protect his fortune, and to indeed save his life. I don't see that he would do well in prison. Desperate people with nothing to lose are of course more dangerous.
  14. It's funny (not ha ha type) how the Trumpist LGBT agenda is so similar to Putin's policy. Though Putin of course has gone much further. But keep in mind Putin started as the American right wingers did, with fear mongering about protecting kids in school, and then fairly quickly expanded to persecution of everything LGBT in ALL aspects of society. Totalitarian dictators / fascists whatever you want to call them always need scapegoats. In the Trump Putin nexus LGBT people especially trans are prominent in their scapegoating efforts though of course they are not the only groups being scapegoated.
  15. No they live by politics in a democracy. I predict Israel will only enforce a border buffer zone within Gaza but the question is will it be big or small.
  16. More toxic and dangerous than ever. Also, if you think this is only about trans people, you'd be sadly mistaken.
  17. On October 7 Hamas baited Israel into the response they got INTENTIONALLY. Hamas wanted mass civilian casualties of their own people to use to gain international sympathy and gin up hatred of both Israel and Jews. So Hamas got what they wanted but I don’t think any country in Israel's position would have or should have responded very differently. At best they could have been more careful and sacrificed more IDF soldiers in exchange but there would still be mass civilian casualties and the PR victory for Hamas would be much the same.
  18. Might be huh? You gave yourself away with that one.
  19. Again your paranoid vision of all this ending with an Arab free Gaza is incredibly remote. Israel itself isn't even Arab free.
  20. You're speculating only. Your assertion that Gaza will be Arab free is incredibly unlikely.
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