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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes and in 1948 many of the Arabs were recent economic migrants to the mandate from the pan Arabic world. An example of the complexity that Israel demonizers ignore. Nakba yes but never any acknowledgement of the Jewish Nakba.
  2. Just say Jews. You're not fooling anyone with the Zionist cover game
  3. Study the complexities of the conflict much more if you expect people to take you at all seriously.
  4. That would be the super simple minded analysis of one of the most complicated conflicts in human history. I expect nothing more than that from you.
  5. Israelis don't want a two state solution either and if you learn about the history of the conflict you would understand very well why that is a reasonable POV. Of course lip service for a two state solution has been the only game in town for several decades. Again, it's hard for a lot of people to process but it's really true. There is no long term solution in sight -- PERIOD. Sometimes reality happens to be dark and depressing.
  6. The entire premise of this topic is moot. Being an expat and an economic migrant are not mutually exclusive.
  7. At least he doesn't claim to be Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.
  8. No there isn't. Well informed people that are in touch with reality know that. You and your ilk imagine there is a quick and simple minded answer to one of the most complicated deeply ingrained conflicts in history. Dream on.
  9. Back to what rational people believe -- there is no permanent solution in sight. PERIOD.
  10. My big decision moving here (long ago) was between Jomtien (greater Pattaya) and Chiang Mai. I had enough boots on the ground experience with both to make an informed decision. While I like the Chiang Mai a lot and the expats are more in general closer to "my kind of people" I have never regretted my decision. Pattaya even after the horrible Covid years which was a Black Swan international phenom, keeps getting better and better.
  11. No but it's kind of silly to broadcast strong opinions based on nothing.
  12. No rational person believes that it's possible to negotiate in good faith with "Kill all the Jews" Hamas. It's like you think they are like Canadians or something!
  13. Let's not get carried away now. No place is paradise. I wouldn't love everything about any place, but Pattaya for me at this point in my life for my budget is: THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE WORLDZ (Note the Z).
  14. So you admit you know NOTHING about the place. Brilliant!
  15. Nothing would be good enough for the River to the Sea Israel demonizers short of Israel doing nothing and inviting Hamas to fullfill their charter (kill all the Jews).
  16. Olly-gate. Solidarity with Hamas is a queer issue? No No No! The BBC has exposed the sinister face of woke (telegraph.co.uk) The choice of Olly Alexander as the UK's Eurovision contestant shows where the fashionable theory of intersectionality gets us
  17. Yeah, save the word genocide for actual genocide. Genocide inflation. Yeah, there are reasons to criticize some of the Israeli tactics in this war against Hamas, but it is not genocide.
  18. OK, this is getting to be a bigger, much more high profile issue. Eurovision. Or Gay Pop Music Disneyland as some consider it. There are calls to eject Israel from it because, oh yeah, defending itself for barbaric terrorists dedicated to killing all Jews. Olly Alexander is the queer choice from the UK. There are calls now from the pro Israel side for Olly to be ejected. Olly signed a hateful petition from the Israel demonizers. Personally, I have nothing againt Olly, he seems quite adorable and talented. I think he's another useful idiot for Hamas who knows nothing about the conflict. I would like to see Israel participate as usual, Olly to represent the UK, and nobody to boycott Eurovision. But Euros to croissants, that's not going to happen. The state is set for Eurovision to become another public venue for fighting over the conflict. Woke attacks on Israel are an insult to gay Palestinians (telegraph.co.uk)
  19. Can we still stop it? Not so sure about that. I'm feeling this is what America wants for some perverted reasons. 'We can still stop it': Historian shows how to halt an 'autocratic takeover' of the U.S. - Raw Story
  20. Who are you kidding? Hamas isn't going to release all the hostages. The UN doing one of their circle jerks.
  21. So you're ignorant about the security council. Big surprise.
  22. Not surprising coming from someone who has advocated for one state including full right of return for Arabs -- the sneaky way of supporting River to the sea genocide of Jews.
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