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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I reckon some BDSers are River to the Seasters or Israel ending one staters and some are more reasonable. In any case I recognize the right of some kinds of resistance of the Palestinians as they do have legit grievances. BDS is non violent so if they want to resist which they do that seems much much more preferable than terrorism.
  2. Yes but that applies to financial stuff this year which means it's totally black box for expats.
  3. Yet you stayed there that long. Curious. The travel article I referred to. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/best-destinations-to-visit-2024/index.html
  4. I was just asking. I've never been to Taiwan. Maybe it's changed. I just read today Tainan recommended by CNN among the best travel destinations of 2024.
  5. Well I certainly don't support the UNs stance towards Israel. It's horribly unbalanced compared to other conflict zones in the world. I don’t expect them to be pro Israel per se but their anti Israel bias is extreme.
  6. Yes typically an unreasonable double standard is applied to Israel. So whats different about Israel? Jews.
  7. Yeah I think it's unethical to not specify details before the effective date. It makes tax planning impossible. All we can do is guess.
  8. Yes I've had Taiwanese food including beef noodles other places such as Pattaya and San Francisco. A favorite of mine is three cup chicken.
  9. I think you're being silly now. I wasn't suggesting Taiwan for pizza and I don't believe its hard to find Chinese food in Taiwan but of course they are known for Taiwanese religional specialties. Have you been to Tainin?
  10. I agree that overall the Chinese food in Thailand is not top notch but with trial and error I've found dishes here at some restaurants that work well enough for me. My standard for Chinese food is the San Francisco Bay Area AKA Gold Mountain and also the Sichuan food of the famous chef that used to be the chef at the Chinese embassy in Washington. Another funny adaptation I've made is pimping up delivery food. Like I'll order a Sichuan spicy mala oil broth pot of fish filets by adding more broth consisting of tofu, shiitake mushrooms, fermented Sichuan broad bean paste, Sichuan pepper oil, and bean vermicelli. The result is excellent but I wouldn't be happy with the unaltered dish.
  11. Pizza Art in Jomtien was as proper as it gets. But they closed. How about Taiwan? I want to visit there.
  12. Not precisely. It's a policy of intentionally accepting civilian casualties when targeting military enemies. It's called war. Hamas started it. Hamas knew it would happen. Hamas intentionally uses human shields.
  13. I agree about Chinese. Italian is definitely very popular. However objectively I don’t think Thai food rates that high.
  14. It's complicated. It's a social disease that adapts to whatever is happening in the world and even happens in nations with no or few Jews. Israel demonization is a more current adaptation of that ancient hatred.
  15. Obviously but he realizes that makes him look bad, thus the sleazy attempt at obfuscation. A typical case of someone that uses "anti-Zionist" as a cover.
  16. The sad reality is that most of the Free Free Palestine protests in the world now are actually about fomenting hatred of Jews.
  17. They? The Jews? Being a Zionist (supporting the right of Israel to exist) should in no way be conflated with supporting everything the state of Israel has done. Your POV makes me vomitous. Lots of countries have done crap things yet mysteriously it is ONLY the one tiny nation state associated with Jews that you and other River to the Sea mobsters think should not be allowed to exist. Again words matter. Anti Zionist equals being opposed to the existence of Israel.
  18. Exactly. It's part of rationale for trying to put anti democracy fascist wannabe dictator Trump back in power.
  19. Easy. You're openly rabidly anti Zionist. Zionism simply means a liberation movement of political self determination for the Jewish people realized in the foundation of the sovereign nation state of Israel. Anti Zionism equals opposing the existence of the state of Israel. Yes even a very small percentage of Jews are anti Zionist as well. Cheers.
  20. Starting with an O vs. O-A visa makes the difference. If you start with an O-A (obtainted outside Thailand) then you do need health insurance for that including all subsequent extensions. If you start with an O visa, no such requirement. Don't try to understand the logic of that. There isn't any.
  21. Neapolitan pizza is an Italian style. I can't take you seriously if you don't realize that. And yes, I've eaten pizza in Italy. I KNOW YOU'RE WRONG. Bye.
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