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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Oh boy! We've got a live one! Nothing like a Jew hatred post on Christmas. Merry Christmas!
  2. You're largely right. I would qualify on women if they're active soldiers / terrorists. What's going on is Gaza is with no doubt horrific. But what I reject if you or anyone is implying it, is that it is IDF policy to intentionally kill innocent civilians as targets. That is NOT IDF policy. It is IDF policy to accept that as they go after Hamas terrorist targets. All armies in war do that. They make a calculation. Are those casualties "worth it" considering the actual target? It can be argued well that Israel in this current war has gone too far with that calculation in accepting too many civilian casualties relative to the military goal. I can't fully judge that as I don't know what they know but I don't criticize people who make that accusation now -- as I get that it DOES look that way. Back to INTENTIONS -- Hamas on October 7 INTENDED to target innocent civilians (and take them as hostages). Hamas in Gaza DEFINITELY and INTENTIONALLY uses civilians as human shields. I know this gets groans from the "Free Palestine" brigade, but no October 7, and what's happening now in Gaza would not be happening.
  3. Mostly favorable reviews, not raves, but I loved it. The lead Oliver character actor is too old for the role and believability suffers a little from that.
  4. No, it's not about your bank accounts in Thailand, it's about your physical presence in Thailand. The rule is simple. If you're living in Thailand for 180 days in a calender year you're considered a tax resident of Thailand by Thailand Revenue.
  5. Oddballs? Pot kettle black. I'm a liberal ZIONIST and about as anti-Trump, PRO vaccine, anti garbage conspiracy theories as you can get. The mainstream view in the U.S. is definitely to Stand With Israel. Yes younger people are drifting towards being useful idiots for Hamas because they get their news on Tik Tok propaganda clips. Your suggestion that Netanyahu wants to erase Palestinians is one of those garbage conspiracy theories that I dislike so much. I detest Netenyahu but your theory is dangerous and stupid. As far as supporting Israel or not, there are different levels of that, but the basic level is accepting that Israel exists, isn't going anywhere, is a long established sovereign nation, and has a right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists. That's not the same thing as saying that Israel is carrying this war out perfectly. They obviously aren't. I don't think there is any nation state that could. As far as your naming game, give us a break. There has NEVER been a nation state called Palestine. There was the British Mandate with included Transjordan. The current land there other than Jordan which is recognized by NOT insane people includes the sovereign nation state of Israel, the West Bank with its complex sections and occupations, and Gaza (not occupied in a very long time). It's good news you won't be posting here in my opinion, as the content you add is specious and inflammatory.
  6. I agree with your critique but I also agree with its conclusions. I'm going to make a safe prediction. It may indeed be the best of bad options but it still isn't going to happen.
  7. Two state solution? It's a nice thought but it's wishful thinking. A two-state solution is the West’s latest luxury belief (msn.com)
  8. Last known to have collapsed. Since then, no contact to anyone. Presumed dead. Putin is giving Stalin a run for his money.
  9. She would be wise to flee the country before she trips and falls out of a high floor window.
  10. Yes cynical deflection that smells of another variation of October 7 denialism.
  11. Again the Palestinians don't want a separate state. They want River to the Sea.
  12. There are numerous Islamic and/or Muslim dominant states in the world. There is only the one very tiny, very vulnerable state of Israel. The global population of Jews already relatively tiny was severely damaged in the holocaust. Imagine what global Jewry would be like now if those people had lived. Israel exists because the Jewish people who are indigenous people of Israel had so many horrible experiences in the diaspora for thousands of years. Pogroms, mass expulsions, etc. It makes me extremely angry to hear people even remotely hint or suggest that Jews don't deserve even ONE yes TINY nation state! Israel isn't going anywhere. Most Israeli Jews were born there.
  13. There is not majority support for a two state solution on either side. Good boy,
  14. Stop lying. They do want their own state. Sure. MOST want one state with the Jews gone. As it seems you do as well with your insipid suggestion about Jews going to the U.S. I know this is hard for you to process -- but Israelis have no good reason to trust Palestinians not to crush them if they ever get that power. A fully sovereign Arab state without Israeli security overview, with Iran obviously going in to make them a military power, would be a nightmare for Israel. You might love that -- but Israelis can NEVER agree to that. Period -- end of story. Maybe just maybe (very unlikely) an agreement could be put in place that Israelis would accept for the security situation transition to take place over several decades. But I doubt it. Look what happened to Hong Kong. To also add to the silly "progressives" that see this in white colonialist terms: The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel The vast majority of Israelis were born in Israel. That is their HOME. Israel now has a strong majority of Mizrahi (non Ashkenazi) Jews. Israel is a very diverse country. Israeli Jews are very diverse and of course there are also the 20 percent non-Jewish Arab Israeli citizens.. But overall now Israel is truly a Jewish majority MIDDLE EASTERN country. NOT a European country in the Middle East. The dominant food is Middle Eastern. The dominant music is Middle Eastern. Etc.
  15. Yes. So obviously these two peoples need to separate. But as there isn't majority support on either side for a two state solution, most likely this mess goes on for generations to come. Even when there is support for a two state solution, important details are not even close to potential agreement. For example, Israel can't possibly agree to a fully sovereign Palestinian state unless it is baby stepped in over decades (over security concerns). October 7 cemented that reality. To those who say, that isn't fair, is it fair to expect Israelis to fully empower a neighbor dedicated to their destruction as Israel is such a TINY country? Would your country if it had the power, ever allow such a horror? To expand this further, even IF a ruling Palestinian entity says OK, we really respect Israel's right to exist, are there any rational grounds for Israel to believe that as anything more than a ploy to get the power to crush Israel later?
  16. Yes yet another example of how complicated this conflict is.
  17. What peace would a fully sovereign Palestinian state that still has a River to the Sea ideology plus full military support of Israel have?
  18. Yes and in 1948 many of the Arabs were recent economic migrants to the mandate from the pan Arabic world. An example of the complexity that Israel demonizers ignore. Nakba yes but never any acknowledgement of the Jewish Nakba.
  19. Just say Jews. You're not fooling anyone with the Zionist cover game
  20. Study the complexities of the conflict much more if you expect people to take you at all seriously.
  21. That would be the super simple minded analysis of one of the most complicated conflicts in human history. I expect nothing more than that from you.
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