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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Greetings. As you're Russian I would like to ask your opinion about the demographics of the Russians coming here now. What percentage of the people coming would you classify as "fleeing" the war / avoiding conscription, etc. as opposed to "normal" tourists or expats in times of peace?
  2. I wish I shared your optimism but I don't feel confident in any predictions. Ultimately, even given that Ukrainians have been amazing in their motivation and innovative genius taking on a much bigger invader, what's going to actually turn into fully kicking Russia out depends on the aid from the west. It's clear to me (though hardly an original thought) that the west has been great in helping Ukraine DEFEND itself but has been crickets on really committing to Ukraine WINNING. The west is clearly afraid of that outcome as far as what would happen in Russia, whether they would use nukes, etc. So if that weak tea help continues the best Ukraine will be getting is some kind of temporary "peace" deal with Russia holding on to large areas of their land including Crimea.
  3. You may as well have if you're willing to throw Ukraine under the bus.
  4. Awareness of guilt, very damning from a legal standpoint. His cult followers don't care though.
  5. If they can afford to move to Phuket and drive up housing prices without working, that's a sign.
  6. It's hard to imagine a more perfect fit for leader of Ukraine during this war than Zelinsky. He's the opposite of a minor player. Ukraine would have been doomed long ago without him.
  7. Oh the conspiracy theory B.S. again. So predictable.
  8. Suggesting that Zelinsky and Putin are equivalents indicates very muddled thinking.
  9. I call B.S.! The Nazis hadn't occupied Florida and much of the Eastern U.S.
  10. Every conflict is different. But this conflict is more like WW1 and WW2 than Iraq.
  11. Probably? Don't forget the Christian countries like Uganda.
  12. Marriage equality. ALL the same rights including rights to have children. You're being disingenuous yet again if you assert being anti gay marriage is rare. Globally, it's a very unpopular position. Who is stopping gay people from having legal equality? It's not other gay people, buddy. It's tyranny of the majority that take the power and oppress. If if was a minority race they were doing this too, that would be much more unacceptable but against gay people, A OK, they are treated so often as either less than or even criminals. Would people be demanding "studies" about a certain race to decide whether to allow them to marry and have children?
  13. Can't really tell the percentages but it is a significant percentage in any country that Russians are flocking to these days. As far as Ukrainians, it's more complicated. If they are fighting age men, they should be back home to defend their nation against Putin's barbarism. Others, I would think there are still places of refuge in Europe.
  14. It's funny not ha ha that so many straight people are so ingrained in their priviledge that they think they're entitled to restrict the rights of non straight people. Such bigots are truly blind to the injustice they harbor in their minds.
  15. Also of course too young got the instant gas. There are some survival stories of kids who were smart enough to lie about their age and make the cut off.
  16. Ouch. Tip of the iceberg? The stranded Ukrainians should take priority over the stranded Russians, but oh yeah Thailand is neutral. Thousands of Russians and Ukrainians stranded in Thailand, including Phuket - phuketGO (phuket-go.com)
  17. Don't even play these games the anti LGBTQ bigots play. Imagine a country where the dominant ethnic demographic (for example white people in the U.S.) decided they would not allow a minority ethnic demographic to marry and have children unless they met the oppressing majority's metrics as far as "studies" of their children over time. Such studies on any group may have academic interest but they should be irrelevant as far as the politics of extending the same equal civil rights including marriage to ALL.
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