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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Well I presume NATO is too chicken to do that. Also, would that work?
  2. No chance to win but he could be a spoiler. It's being debated whether he would help Trump or Biden though. His weird garbage views on vaccines and the war might have more of an attraction for republicans and more right wing independents. As a democrat, I'm actually not really worried about him running third party. I am worried about NO LABELS though as far as spoiling things and giving it to trump.
  3. What are you talking about? He's a rising star with magas, conspiracy fans, and Putin lovers. He has ZERO chance of being nominated by the democrats. Seriously: ZERO.
  4. I have no idea and neither do you. So why post that troll question?
  5. This is how Trump is polling even BEFORE he gets convicted of felonies: Poll shows Biden beating Trump, even if Manchin runs | The Hill Poll shows Biden beating Trump, even if Manchin runs
  6. Funny. Trump would be the easiest for Biden to beat Biden would lose against a non maga republican. I assume your two democratic ticket ideas are jokes. Harris is very unpopular. Buttigeig might run for president if Biden exits. Kennedy has zero chance of being nominated He's a conspiracy theory loony tunes and Kremlin propaganda shill. West might run third party but zero chance as a democrat.
  7. Yes and people that follow Trump can't honestly call themselves conservatives. They're pro dictatorship anti-democracy radical far right wing extremists. They're not trying to "conserve" anything. They want to blow it all up.
  8. If Trump is nominated, the choice no matter who the democratic party nominee is, will be between transforming the USA into a fascist presidential dictatorship or to give the American democracy a fighting chance to keep going as a functioning democracy. Once you fully lose democracy, it becomes incredibly difficult to ever get it back. Trump plans a frightening power grab if elected president in 2024 (usatoday.com) Is America on the brink of tyranny? Trump's plan if elected in 2024 should frighten us all. A bureaucracy purged of those loyal to the Constitution rather than to Donald Trump will send free and fair elections to history's landfill, along with the Bill of Rights
  9. It's not supposed to be a partisan institution. The right wingers by stealing two seats have corrupted the court. It's funny not ha ha to know that so called conservatives do not value the legitimacy about the highest court. It's all in the global trend towards authoritarianism.
  10. I blame right wing Republicans. Don't tell me who to blame. This court is not legitimate.
  11. It's America's version of the will of the people being crushed by dinosaurs. Shades of Thailand.
  12. You should worry about how it's been hijacked by right wing extremists. The newer radical right wing activists are younger which means their dirty work will stand for generations.
  13. Also of course the right wingers lie in confirmation hearings. Respect precedents! Like shell you do.
  14. I seriously doubt it! The policies to defang the generals and beer monopolies and to decentralize are unacceptable to the establishment as well.
  15. Of course it is. The right wing stole two seats. What do you expect? While the court can't be expected to be current with politics, this court is going backwards quickly. It's credibility has been destroyed. This is a danger for American democracy. If the people have no respect for important institutions there is nothing to hold it up. I'm sure right wingers understand the court has been unfairly hijacked. They might like the politics of that, but if they cared about the bigger issue, the viability of American democracy, they wouldn't be so gleeful.
  16. I never said they would care. As far as news, it is objective to news to report that the will of the people was crushed by the structure of the constitution. In a news item, what would be the point of saying that isn't good. Isn't that obvious?
  17. Voting won't cut it. What might work -- use your imagination and look at history in other countries. Are Thai people up to it? I wouldn't bet on it. Next ...
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