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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Woke is an all purpose right wing attack word and also the boogeyman all at the same time. For the time being, the right wing has struck gold.
  2. It's called Groomers School. That's fascist rhetoric Fascists are attacking LGBTQ people with similar tactics as antisemitic blood libel narratives. Learn from history.
  3. You used the word deviants so you do judge. Not that antisemitic cultural Marxism b.s. again. I see your avatar is a fascist meme. The whole package.
  4. Is she hiding her trans status? No. So she's not pretending to be anything. She presents as a trans woman and thars what she is.
  5. That's what I tried to communicate before, but why even bother. The antitrans agenda doesn't care about facts. They're still pushing the cat litter thing. It's all about ammunition, mostly false, to fuel this very dangerous demonization of trans people, which also includes LGBTQ people in general.
  6. No. No. Trans women mostly attract straight dudes. I don't like to see minority groups viciously demonized and scapegoated. Learn from history. That's all.
  7. Its not my business. It's not your business. It's not the business of fascist politicians. It's a matter for the families and their doctors.
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