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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Their list is fine for what it is but keep in mind that most of their audience is American So of course Latin America is going to rate high.
  2. Oldie new to me maybe not new to you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Catherine_Tate_Show I discovered it from youtube videos. Funny!
  3. He's a maga / Kremlin troll candidate. He has zero chance of being nominated by the democrats. Biden owes him nothing.
  4. I'm not just talking about the vile hatred and intolerance being shown towards trans people on this topic. I'm talking in an international context. Such as what's happening in Russia, the USA, etc. How the Netherlands winner is being abused on social media, etc. Also the entire so called anti woke hysteria is just a cover for anti trans, anti LGBTQ, and anti black. It's disgusting and it's dangerous. It's led to violence and murder against trans people and it leads to suicide among LGBTQ youth.
  5. To showing basic respect for fellow human beings who don't deserve to be demonized and scapegoated just for being different.
  6. Getting closer. How about there are real trans women and there are real trans men. We're all human. We're not watches. We're all REAL.
  7. Has anyone heard him speak? Listen to him for 5 minutes -- guaranteed headache.
  8. He is indeed a loon. He has no chance of being the nominated democrat but if he runs third party he could propel Trump back to the white house. The Kremlin has taken notice and is promoting both Trump and RFK Jr. as are magas.
  9. Well I do but it's also free speech to call such remarks and people making them out.
  10. Why is this so hard? A trans man with a womb and fertile can give birth. It amazes me that supposedly educated fully grown adults can't grasp concepts that are a bit beyond the SIMPLEST. How do people survive as adults without the ability to grasp anything more complicated than the SIMPLEST concepts? Perhaps to such people grasping more complicated concepts is woke.
  11. The same was reported from Kremlin sources.
  12. Antics as in being visible in the world. Do you even realize how BIGOTED your POV is? This winner wouldn't have entered if she wasn't allowed to. I would have no problem if such pageants didn't allow trans women but the fact remains this one DOES.
  13. It's pretty obnoxious (and scary from a historical perspective) to be telling an entire identity class group of people that the don't even exist! It's one thing oppressing them with laws, but it's another level to attempt to completely erase them.
  14. True. Putin's main chance is make it until the U.S. elections to see Trump take power again, possibly helped by useful idiot for Putin RFK Jr. running third party.
  15. Imagine being an anti-Putin Russian in Phuket going out for a coffee and running into that villain! Do you shake his hand?
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