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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A risky proposition. Assuming he loses AGAIN, there is zero doubt he will claim he won, and then there is zero doubt he will incite violence AGAIN. This time with nothing to lose and the alternative to not taking power being prison, he would be desperate and his cult followers would be desperate too.
  2. Again you tag the obvious ones as gay. The majority are not obvious so you ASSUME they are straight or bi. As a non obvious gay man, I know this.
  3. Again you're wrong. You notice the noticeable gay Thais. You don't notice the ones that aren't noticeable. No difference!
  4. It is a good question. I think some might argue that people getting off on such images are more likely to abuse children IRL. I guess you could argue that but I'm pretty sure there are zero academic studies on that. It could just as easily be the other way. That people wired that way can be satisfied with the AI generated images and may be much less likely to do IRL crimes. I don't know either way. If it's the latter is it just to punish people for how they are wired but don't/won't act out?
  5. Agree to disagree. Objectively, it is NOT a slur. Period. End of story.
  6. Eye contact wouldn't tell either unless they are interested in you "that way" and reckon most of the members here are not of great interest to gay men in that way.
  7. Not really but it's medically necessary for doctors to know their patients are gay as gay people have different health issues and risks and if the patient feels they need to be in the closet, either they avoid the care entirelely and/or they get substandard care or if out or detected if they are closeted they sometimes get cared for by bigots, and that is not pleasant. To add, the medical term that is used is men who have sex with men, as many such men do not identify as gay. I once had a great doctor who had a great technique which I'll never forget. While examing me during a time with no eye contact, he calmly asked if I had sex with men in an obvioiusly non judgemental tone. To give the best care, he needed to know that.
  8. I don't accept the premise of your equivalence argument and attempted bait. "My" language rules? What are you on about?!? Cisgender is a scientific word. Nothing to do with pronouns. Nothing to do with sexual orientation. Use it or not. Up to you.
  9. Trump allies need to get over themselves and their irrational worship of an extremely flawed criminally corrupt Florida man. He may indeed be the "strongest" to be nominated by the party that he took over but in the general he is the BIGGEST LOSER. Biden wins just based on people voting AGAINST Trump. Are republicans so stupid as to nominate that loser again? You betcha.
  10. Perhaps in some people's alternative universe, but in fact cisgender is not a slur at all. But asserting that absurd falsehood did give you the opportunity to post actual slurs. If there was any doubt where you were coming from before in regard to LGBT ... people, now any sliver of doubt has been erased.
  11. So many letters has invited mockery. There are no vote on this. I think just saying LGBT ... may be a useful compromise. These groups are not a monolith. Many people in these groups are not happy about the glut of letters either.
  12. No. As I explained before normal is not a precise word. Normal related to what? Normal body weight? Normal frequency of masturbation? Normal sleeping routine? Normal bowel movements? You would need to clarify that you mean normal related to gender identity. The word cisgender is PRECISE. No clarification needed. Sure you are allowed to feel offended by the use of a precise neutral scientific word. I am allowed to think that is hysterical and dumb.
  13. Cisgender is not about pronouns. It is a well established scientific word. It's as far away from a slur word as you can get. So you're spouting irrelevant hot button red meat right wing talking points. Nothing to do with reality. I will add that normal is not a slur word either. Though it can be a loaded word if you're in a group being othered by its usage. People are free to not learn the meaning of cisgender or to not use it. They are also free to cover their ears in denial when others use it. But they are not free to dictate to others not to use it.
  14. Cisgender is an established word. Name even one credible English dictionary where it isn't listed. Yes, language is fluid. Words come into usage and words come out of usage. Definitions can change. But for the time being CISGENDER's meaning it completely unambiguous. Learn it or not. Use it or not. Check in again in 50 years.
  15. No. Cisgender doesn't mean male and it doesn't mean female. You are free to express reactionary sentiments but you do NOT get to completely distort the well defined actual meaning of a totally legitimate word. Don't use it if you don't want to. No problem with that.
  16. I grew up with rotary phones, tape recorders that held tape, and answering machines were revolutionary technology. Societies progress. New words come into wide usage. Not all individuals can be expected to progress with societies.
  17. This link covers a lot about the word cisgender. But i want to mention something that I don't see discussed elsewhere. A reason why the word NORMAL is not nearly as good or as precise as cisgender. Ignoring the "othering" aspects mentioned in the link, consider this. Someone says -- I'm normal. I'm a normal man. What is he saying? That he likes sports? That he doesn't call again after the first date? That he's heterosexual? That he is a born male that identifies as male? You don't know! You need to add more information to know what he means. When you say heterosexual you know he's talking about his sexual orientation. In one word! When you say cisgender, you know he's talking about his gender identity. In one word! Yes, again, cisgender is not a slur in the slightest, but is in fact a very useful word. ‘We’re just normal, why do you call us cis?’ | by Allison Washington | CROSSIN(G)ENRES (crossingenres.com)
  18. OK I'm trying to be a little diplomatic here. This business is using the Nandos name and is selling similar products as the world famous Nandos. But they're not explictly claiming they are associated with that brand. Thailand isn't Russia or North Korea. How can they do that? I mean you can't even get away with calling a business McSushi even though McDonald's doesn't sell sushi. Get my drift?
  19. Cisgender is NOT a slur. FACT. On the other hand snowflake is a slur. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2023/06/22/elon-musk-cisgender-slur-twitter-anti-trans-policies/70343998007/ Elon Musk declares 'cisgender' a slur on Twitter. What about 'fragile man with big ego'? In the latest episode of “Wealthy White Dudes Get Their Tender Feelings Hurt By An Adjective” self-proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk has decided the word “cisgender” is a slur. The owner of one of the largest social media megaphones on the planet issued the following edict via tweet this week: "The words 'cis' or 'cisgender' are considered slurs on this platform." This came as news to most people, as the word “cisgender,” according to Merriam-Webster, simply means: “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.”
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