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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I get it! Living in Thailand has meant eating more or less "white people food" for you? Funny, the mocking Chinese concept is about boring, bland, simple (no cooking), but HEALTHY foods. I had a different concept of "white people food" living in the U.S. Pretty much the same but very unhealthy! Like Cool Whip sandwiches on Wonder bread, mayo macaroni salad, little weiner sausages from a bottle, Jello mold with whipped cream, Tang, etc. Even the Chinese Internet Is Dunking on 'White People Food' (insider.com) “White people food” has gone viral in China. What is it? | The Sacramento Bee (sacbee.com) Chinese People Are Reviewing "White People Food" And Their Responses Range From Hilarious To Concerning | Bored Panda (best) Why ‘White people food’ is going viral on Chinese social media - The Washington Post (archive.ph)
  2. You think Xi doesn't know he's a dictator? Do you think Xi thinks it's a bad thing that he's a dictator? Do you think Xi is trying to convince the world that China is a democracy?
  3. The entire post election was a self coup attempt led by Trump. Laugh all you like. It was dead serious. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/oct/30/trump-2020-election-steal-presidency-coup-inside-story
  4. Yes but whatever the strength you can adjust the dose based on number of drops.
  5. The goal was to deny the winner and illegally stay in power. Hardly laughable.
  6. Do you think maga cult members who literally worship Trump as a God are rational and respect the constitution and American democrat norms? Come on man! BTW, the self coup attempt was much more extensive than January 6. Many methods were tried. Hopefully both Georgia and the DOJ will bring multiple felony charges against Trump on these matters.
  7. Objectively no. But many of his maga cult members continue to regard him as the current president. Yes, that is insane.
  8. He never conceded. He left because his self coup attempt failed.
  9. The voters removed him. He tried to stay anyway. DESPICABLE!
  10. Self coup. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/government-and-opposition/article/trump-selfcoup-attempt-comparisons-and-civilmilitary-relations/16D5EF307C7DF49FCE86948D1569B014 The storming of the US Capitol building in January 2021 was a presidential attempt at a self-coup. To make the case, this article reviews elements of the Capitol assault and the events leading up to it, in light of the key conceptual components of a self-coup, and how those compare to attributes of other kinds of attacks on governments.
  11. Everything you ever wanted to know about Sim routers but were afraid to ask:
  12. He's a horrible person, but I hope he gets a fair trial, and I hope they find him guilty, and I hope they throw away the key.
  13. Checking 14 characteristics of fascism against DeSantis’ actions afer his recent visit to Utah. (sltrib.com)
  14. You are splitting hairs. Being addicted to weed is not rare. No, withdrawal isn't like from heroin, but it's not nothing either. Addiction | Health Effects | Marijuana | CDC
  15. Yes but he drew a corrupt maga judge in Florida. She'll likely drag this out indefinitely.
  16. Scapegoating minorities for political gain is quite fascist. https://www.britannica.com/topic/fascism/Extreme-nationalism
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