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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. So my question to anyone that knows is if you can buy a 200 baht test Thunder SIM via Shoppee first. Risking 200 with no refund is not bad compared to buying an annual plan and it not working.
  2. That's debatable. How Many Drinks A Day Is Considered An Alcoholic? (medicinenet.com)
  3. Thanks for replying. He can but he said before that he won't. That's his choice which I have no choice but to respect. Cheers.
  4. Sounds reasonable to me. But the application could be rejected. Does buying online bypass the need for a location qualification application, or not? I will add (if you don't recall) that I don't address member NextG directly as he previously posted he has me on ignore.
  5. I didn't say I was worried about it if you're addressing me. I started a DISCUSSION topic about something real that does happen. For some bizarre reason, that has offended some people. All they need to do in that case is not read or post to the topic. Sorted.
  6. Can I buy a 200 baht test sim for Thunder from Shoppee without getting pre-approval from.the IP or do you need to start by paying for the annual plan Sim? Can you upgrade the test Sim later if its good or required to buy a second Sim?
  7. Thanks. So you bought a test Sim first and later the Sim you actually use or if not what was the process? If it's true that applying online would screen out people on high building floors as I thought was mentioned before then perhaps for me this is academic.
  8. In what alternative universe would you expect a Thai price from such a service? It's hard enough to get the Thai price from Thais!
  9. I think you're hunting for absurd things to argue about. I never ever said weed is among the more physcially addictive substances. It obviously is not. I think it's time for IGNORE to come into play. I am not interested in such silly personalized games. Bye.
  10. Oh please. It's a verifiable fact that some substances are much move potentially addictive than others.
  11. Thanks. I'm confused yet again. You bought online from where or directly? They will sell a test sim without location approval?
  12. I recall that you need to apply to even get a test sim for Thunder and they need your exact geolocation including floor, and that they won't even sell if you're about the 5th floor. Anyway what kind of deals are there with Thunder? Higher speeds than I have and UNLIMITED?
  13. I was interested but info posted here said they won't even sell that to people on HIGH FLOORS (which I am). I'd still be interested in testing if they would sell a Thunder test SIM.
  14. Hey there. I want to give an update on my more or less successful transition to Sim router internet access from DSL. I've had TOT DSL since I moved to Thailand, but the cable was stolen and TOT won't redo DSL in my building. This news took several weeks for them to admit. That unpleasant experience motivated me to find a way to be independent of any kind of wiring if that was a workable option. I want to thank all the people that have made helpful and informative comments about this topic including by PM. I knew nothing about the Sim router option before but now I know at least enough to have made it work. So the first thing I did was to buy a Sim router that was suggested here that had extra ports (which I need). This router supports all providers here and at the time I bought I still foolishly believed that I would eventually get my DSL back so in that case the router can be used as a FAILSAFE to take over when the DSL goes out temporarily. Also I was confident that I would find at least one Sim provider that worked in my condo and I wanted to test Sims in the router I would be using. So I bought a D-Link 4G LTE N 300 on Lazada. Inexpensive and decent. Then I bought a few test Sims on Lazada. My priority was DTAC because a kind member gave me a link for a 30 Mbps UNLIMITED DTAC Sim annual plan. So if the test DTAC sim was good enough, I was just going to buy that plan Sim. If you get Sims that way you need to activate it with the seller via Line. That involves sending pics of the Sim packaging and your passport ID page. The seller I used was using only Thai so had to use Google translate which of course is much less than ideal. So got the DTAC card activated and then I had hoped I would have a short usage period to test it before buying a plan but the seller told me I needed to buy a plan. So I bought a 15 Mbps plan for 200 baht to test it. The test results weren't spectacular but I felt they were good enough. At 15 I was able to do everything I do online with a few limitations. I found that when downloading torrents and streaming stremio simultaneously the Stremio performace was unacceptable. Also occationally youtube videos would do a quick blackout thing which wasn't my experience on DSL. But I figured the 30 Mbps Sim would fix that and it's not that I really NEED to download torrents and stremio simultaneously. So I bought the annual DTAC 30 Mbps sim. That seller did speak English but was much more picky about the specs for the pictures plus they needed a selfie. When I say much more picky I am not exagerrating! But finally got it activated but the plan wasn't automatically in effect. They told me I needed to put it in a phone first (as I did for the test Sim) and assign the phone number to the Sim and then you get SMS from DTAC confirming the plan is in effect. I assume probably that I could have put it into the router first and configured the router to get SMS skipping the phone step but I decided to keep it simple and do what the seller said. Is my assumption correct? Anyway theoretically I was all set by then! But no. The 30 Sim's performance was less than expected based on the tests of the 15. Also it BLOCKED torrent downloads and Stremio streams. So I bought a one month test of Proton VPN and can now do torrents and Stremio. The short blackouts of youtube are gone but I haven't fully tested the Stremio mixed with torrents yet (because I was watching a video with very few seeds but need to test a video with a larger number of seeds). I am finding that torrent downloads are noticably SLOWER than with my old DSL even when well seeded. That is unfortunate but not exactly a deal breaker as I've never had a critical need to download large files in seconds. I can wait. There's always plenty of stuff to watch that I already have or can stream. I did have a happy and somewhat surprising result on stremio. A video that was very poorly seeded on torrents (so taking a super long time) streamed very smoothly on stremio. I don't understand how it could with so few seeders, so in that sense the Sim exceeded expectations. As the cliche goes there are many ways to skin a chicken. Well above is how I skinned a chicken to go from dead DSL to a perfectably usable (but admitedly slower than ideal) Sim solution. Other than the slower speeds the only downside I can think of about Sim router vs. DSL or fiber is that you need to deal with buying a new Sim every year and there is no way of knowing what deals will be available then (especially as I require UNLIMITIED data). Cheers.
  15. One man's toxins are another man's garden of delights.
  16. Let's get real. The Russian people would never have the balls to just storm the Kremlin themselves. Something had to give. I don't know if this coup will work, but even if it does, its impossible to predict what will happen after it does. What's the alternative? Waiting for Putin to nuke Ukraine and trigger a global nuclear war?
  17. You're on to something. Aseannow might consider selling VANITY descriptions like vanity license plates. I assume they have the power to make these edits internally, yeah?
  18. Yeah well like I said I did a test first with ANOTHER DTAC Sim that was 15 Mbps. That's why I bought the annual plan at 30 because the 15 performed pretty well in my location. I don't understand what one DTAC Sim would be OK and another sub par in the SAME location.
  19. I like it well enough but it's not about me, it's about all you other smug <deleted>.
  20. I wouldn't say crap. I would say good <deleted>.
  21. Thanks but looking for a much bigger data limit than 70 gb.
  22. Unfortunately no! Long ago, the powers that be removed the capability to edit that. I found out when I tried, posted about it, and was told, sorry, no can do. So I'm stuck with Don't Be So Smug Member. Could be worse I guess.
  23. Is there any thing to do the idea of there being zoning for shops? Like OK for recreational shops in tourist areas only?
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