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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I mean what I said. You accused me of lying. That is a PERSONAL ATTACK. Do you think that's OK without at least saying what lies exactly? Again. ALL HAT NO CATTLE.
  2. You're getting into the electability space. It's widely accepted that Biden would probably beat Trump. But lets say they put up DeSantis instead. I think he could beat DeSantis too. Why? People don't care about his anti woke antics nearly as much as he thinks and most of all ABORTION. His Florida abortion law which he had a choice to derail is very extreme. He can be beat in the general based on that alone. Now if it's a non maga fascist republican then I would agree with you.
  3. He's definitely a fascist. It says a lot that the second major party in the US has two fascists leading their nomination fight. That party deserves to die.
  4. That's an interesting comment to me as someone who was not in the mainstream in the U.S. Maybe it's easier for such people to deal with the "alienation" of being an expat?
  5. Yes but compared to alcohol, ciggies, heroin, speed, arguably even coffee, physical withdrawal from weed even when people are physically addicted which is much less common than psychological addiction is relatively a piece of cake. Also addiction to weed is much less harmful than those other things except coffee.
  6. He appeals everything. He's an expert in how rich people experience a different justice system. All his life he's avoided major consequences for his life of crimes. A regular citizen would have been locked up long ago. His tactic now is to win the presidency, never give up the presidency, and then he's dodged prison for his entire life. It may work.
  7. They have mobilized quite old and diseased men. Also they are prioritizing brainwashing their youth North Korea style.
  8. The thing about Uncle Joe is that he knows how to use lower expectations to his political benefit. I predict even with one term he's already earned at least a mid level rating by presidential historians, but of course that won't be known for several decades.
  9. Cool. For a moment I thought you had misspelled Africa. Teacher's unions are generally going to endorse democrats. It would be big news if they didn't.
  10. You are free to post as you like. HOWEVER, I would suggest that when a member personally attacks another member and accuses them of LYING, the least they can do is post what are the lies they are talking about.
  11. As a teen weed always gave me big time munchies. But now more often than not it makes me feel that I can skip eating. A few strains have given me mild munchies, but nothing crazy. There are so many personal variables in how people are going to react.
  12. Perhaps worth mentioning even though it has been discussed elsewhere before. In the context of at least being self aware of what level of dependency or addiction you have to cannabis, the truth is if you're doing THC rather than CBD it's a failed session if you don't get high. Do you feel the need to be very high every time or is a mild buzz pleasant enough? Weed is so often compared to alcohol so I will again. One can enjoy alcohol for the flavor, social times, etc. without the intention of getting drunk. Personally, I'm lucky enough not to be wired for alcohol abuse. The last time I drank to get drunk was New Year's Eve. So obviously once annually is no problem. To be clear, OF COURSE alcohol is a massively more serious public hazard than weed. That is because so many people become alcoholics and slowly kill themselves that way. Many people even choke on their own vomit if they drink too much. People don't die of weed addiction like that. I won't get into driving safety, whether driving high on weed is as dangerous as driving drunk. My personal feeling is that weed is safer but that doesn't prove anything. So what I'm suggesting is to at least have a self awareness of the potential of weed dependency, and the potential that might have negative impact on your life. Then maybe that will help the situation not get out of hand.
  13. All politicians have flaws. In politics it's almost always a choice between the lesser of two evils. In a Trump vs. Biden race which is the most likely at least at the moment, among Americans who support the rule of law, the constitution, respecting the norms of American democracy, real reality not "alternative" reality, who support democratic foreign allies more than authoritarian dictators like genocidal war criminal Putin, there is ZERO doubt which choice is better. That would be President Biden -- old age (Trump is almost as old), gaffes, falls, and all.
  14. Not a matter of love or hate. A matter of understanding that Trump taking power again means the end of American democracy.
  15. If you don’t already know how horrendous fascist trump is, nothing I could say would convince you so you're on your own with that. We all falter eventually. No specific predictions offered.
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