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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not to mention many deep fried foods will be consumed and polluted air inhaled!
  2. Stop lying. I never called you an antisemite. I correctly pointed out that you're promoting an antisemitic conspiracy theory in your understanding of woke. Cultural Marxism. There are some far right wing Jews doing the same thing.
  3. Another one promoting the antisemitic conspiracy theory of cultural Marxism. You and Ron DeSantis.. Thanks for explaining where you're really coming from. I never really believed you really cared about gay men's health. This issue is just another chance to swing that anti woke hammer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory
  4. Random cut and pastes from God knows where presented as facts. The arrogance is extraordinary.
  5. You think sexualiy active gay men hibernate for the other 11 months? You think Pride month is just a cover for an orgy?
  6. Just a generic attack word now of the right wing to attack anything they don't like. It did have an original very positive meaning coming from Black Americans but that has been so perverted by now as to make the original meaning irrelevant.
  7. Again the problem here is conflating Monkey Pox to Pride Month. Pride Month is a political cultural phenomenon. A health department has no business going there. The pushback was deserved Again it is completely correct for a health department to clearly talk about high risk groups and high risk behaviors. So in this case yes it is true gay men are a high risk group for Monkey Pox. Gay men are gay men all year not only a month. Instead of alienating messages they would be advised to do something that would actually help. Promoting vaccination to high risk individuals. That includes some gay men. Not all.
  8. You custom created a narrow definition tailored to your opinion of this one situation.
  9. I was wondering why we have that phrase. Mystery is finally solved. (Sarcasm.)
  10. My take. Pride Month is NOT Songkran. It represents a global movement to promote LGBT equality in civil rights. It's not problem for a health department to highlight known risk groups and what behaviors are risky. I don't think it was a good idea to bring Pride Month into it.
  11. Trump trap. Hope these two leading maga fascists beat each other up badly so it's easy pickings for always underestimated Uncle Joe. DeSantis Steps Into Trump’s Trap Using 4-Letter Word (2paragraphs.com)
  12. It is your opinion. In my view an incorrect one. The word is so perverted now that is used for anything and everything right wingers don't like and there is a lot they don't like.
  13. I'm not the fascist major presidential candidate focusing on an antisemitic conspiracy theory, eh?
  14. Not anything snookums. Interesting but unsurprising that fascist DeSantis refers to cultural Marxism in his vile kill woke political crusade. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory The term "Cultural Marxism" refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory which misrepresents the Frankfurt School as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness. The conspiracy theory posits that there is an ongoing and intentional academic and intellectual effort to subvert Western society via a planned culture war that undermines the Christian values of traditionalist conservatism and seeks to replace them with culturally liberal values.
  15. Well Pride Parades are one day. It's not really a month long party. Like for something like a film festival you need several days.
  16. Funny. Your definition of woke is completely different than the definition given by DeSantis the world's leading kill woke politician. Face it dude. Woke is just a generic political attack word now. Where he uses the loaded phrase cultural Marxism another BS generic attack phrase of the right that most can't even define. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/ron-desantis-asked-to-define-woke-for-reporter-after-trump-claims-half-the-people-cant-define-it/
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