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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. What is it about Florida? That would be bad enough but fascist DeSantis is running for president and trying to Make America Florida.
  2. Yes, and in the U.S. there are right wing forces trying to reverse it. They succeeded in killing Roe v. Wade, so with a loaded supreme court, it's possible.
  3. The "protect the children" gambit excuse for persecution of a minority group is a classic tactic of scapegoating powers. Refer to blood libels.
  4. *Deleted post edited out* The US is creeping towards fascism. If Trump or DeSantis takes power in 24 American democracy is finished But I get it. That's exactly what many Americans want.
  5. Tampa is a big city very popular with LGBT people so this is not only happening in backwater towns.
  6. What would it take to get anti LGBT people to care that a man with a fair shot at the presidency is making LGBT people and history invisible in schools? For example they can mention Alan Turing as a WW2 hero but they can't mention that his own government persecuted him for being gay. If a student brought it up the teacher would be obligated to shut him up. If teachers weren't allowed to mention Jews or acknowledge the existence of their Jewish students would that get yout concern? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/ron-desantis-anti-trans-bills Ron DeSantis Just Signed 4 Bills Into Law That Will Make Life Hell for Transgender People Good ethical people pay attention when any group is being scapegoated even if that group is not mainstream or popular. An authoritarian government that gets away with scapegoating one group for political gain is ultimately a danger to all society.
  7. Trying to erase entire classes of people is scary and good people should act against this even if they're not in the group being scapegoating. Learn from history.
  8. You do. https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-fascist-ruth-ben-ghiat-1784017 Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert
  9. An example of DeSantis fascism. A Florida school wanted to an advanced placement course on LGBT history for high school seniors. The Miami school district said no out of fear a homophobic parent would sue which would hurt the district financially. The fascists are trying to erase LGBT people and history in schools. This is how fascist Putin started.
  10. I reckon you are one of the last people in the world to go to to explain why there are Pride events. Haters gonna hate.
  11. Fascists need scapegoats. LGBT Americans fit the bill. They're particularly obsessed with trans. But they don't stop there.
  12. I love how homophobic posts so often talk about stuff being forced on their faces Very revealing. You're not sorry.
  13. Born to run. Scratch that. Born to fall. la condition humaine
  14. I read this three times and I really don't get it. LGBT stuff "too loud" for your tastes. Hmm. How about change the channel? I'm not into the Gay Games either, but why can't you just ignore them? There are millions of things happening in the world that don't personally interest us. So freakin' what?!? We're basically built to FILTER stuff out. People can't function otherwise. I don't know if you're homophobic or not. I will say if someone started randomly posting about their objections to the Maccabiah Games (I'm also not into them) I would have my suspicions about them. I'm not very convinced about your whining about how your free speech is limited. I think more like it isn't really limited but it pisses you off that speech can have consequences.
  15. Sigh! Here we go again. Straight people basically control the entire world, always have, always will, simply based on their overwhelming MAJORITY numbers, while LGBT don't have equal civil rights in the vast majority of countries, and yet all this agonizing about LGBT having something that they don't have. To me, it comes off as nutty. Are you jealous? Here Are 25 Straight Pride Events, Beause Apparently Straight People Need Them (yahoo.com)
  16. Straight legislators who dominate every government in the world seem to think they are more important than others, because LGBT lack equal civil rights in the vast majority of the world. Yawn. The politics of resentment here against gay people reeks.
  17. NO! It's not just sexuality. LGBT culture - Wikipedia Where did you get that narrow idea?!? Here's a part of gay culture that I used to love passionately. Why have celebrations? Um, because we're humans. Are you having a laugh? Why have Rio Carnival?
  18. I'm sure this is getting tedious and boring to readers. Happy Pride Month to all the people in Thailand Thai and foreign that are participating in any of the events. May equal civil rights be achieved here eventually regardless of which party forms a government.
  19. More insults. It's up to you to read the thread.
  20. I think in the rare countries with extraordinarily good equality there is always still social homophobia and great difficulty for many to come out. But in such countries the political aspect is muted and its basically a party and cultural celebration.
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