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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There is the original meaning which most black people and some generally progressive people would know but the word has been perverted completely by right wingers into basically anything they don't like. In Trump's case he can see that his most serious challenger is fellow fascist DeSantis who has made "anti-woke" the main theme of his campaign. So I think this is just Trump differentiating himself from DeSantis for political reasons. In other words if Trump made "kill woke" an important part of his campaign the right wingers would think you're just copying DeSantis -- if we really want the real deal kill woke we want the original.
  2. Of course a lot of right wingers religious fanatics and otherwise still care and indeed they are actively trying to overturn marriage equality in the same way they tragically succeeded in overturing U.S. abortion rights.
  3. I've been trying to tell people that immigration offices do have the right to refuse to do these. But people still don't believe me.
  4. People keep repeating the BIG LIE that the Florida law is only about early grades. STOP IT and inform yourself before repeating MISINFORMATION. The law was already expanded to the 8th grade and as I've mentioned it actually applies all the way up until senior year in high school in practical reality. That's because teachers and schools are scared to death that a bigot parent will complain about something not being "age appropriate" which would cost the schools a fortune. So teachers are being ordered to self censor. This is fascist stuff. This is Putin stuff. Right wing so called "freedom lovers" should be horrified that the state has gone this far, but yet, alas, they cheerlead for the fascists. DeSantis is only doing this to propel his presidential candidacy. He's a fascist demagogue. He doesn't really care about protecting children, he's just using this in the same way antisemites have used blood libels over history. Learn from history.
  5. This is about laws and procedures when there is a surrogate birth mother. That varies state by state, country by country. I think in general surrogate mothers do NOT want to be on birth certificates. Surrogacy of course can be done for different kinds of families, same sex, opposite sex, single parent. Your fake outrage doesn't pass the smell test.
  6. I reckon many or most right wing anti-LGBT homophobes would approve of such cis and hetero normative child sexualization. Hypocrisy much? Also teaching children about orientation and gender diversity is not sexualization. It's education.
  7. Crazy and bad people that want to explain to children that other people are different like this?
  8. What hurts LGBT young people is homophobia.
  9. Homophobia flag more like. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/straight-pride-flag-exploring-controversy-heterosexual-flag/
  10. Shhh. The bigots will be shooting plates of duck when they get wind of this!
  11. I recall it was the beginning of them and I don't think they happen according to an exact schedule either.
  12. I love it when you order from a menu and when the bill comes its higher and they just say new price. Yes, I push back but they don't seem to get a menu is an implied contract.
  13. One would think. I don't gmail is even warning people. They want to clean house.
  14. Good scam if it is one. It is the truth that gmail is actively deleting dormant accounts now.
  15. It's something most people that travel the world would be aware of. But I had my Sydney issues too. I arrived during fire season and the air quality was atrocious.
  16. No, dude. Special rights is what straight people have in having Straight Pride EVERY DAY in every country in the world. You'll never get this. Just agree to disagree.
  17. It's obvious to anyone paying attention but here you go good buddy: Why we have LGBTQ Pride and not 'Straight Pride' (usatoday.com)
  18. A person would have to be very clueless to not know about Sydney Mardi Gras! It's hardly a gays only event. It's one of the most famous big parties on earth. Similarly you don't need to be straight to know that you're arriving in a city during a SUPER BOWL.
  19. Straight Pride is every DAY. Talk about special rights.
  20. There it is again. The telling code -- stuff going in your faces. Required reading in reactionary posts. If people want to do Pride events, who exactly are you to stop them? Also, nobody is forcing YOU to celebrate anything. BIG LIE.
  21. That's on you because that would be like you arriving in New Orleans during Mardi Gras and not knowing it was going to happen.
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