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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Stop lying. You accused me of being confused or fabricating. I merely saw through your semantic game and called it out. Your above post is insulting too. I'm curious about one thing though. Don't answer if you don't want to. Do you see yourself as an ally of LGBT people?
  2. As said before Pride Month is an International cultural phenomena and can best be viewed in an international context. It is a blessing that Thailand appears to be on a trend to move LGBT Thais in the direction of more equal civil rights. Not special rights. Equal rights. Not every country is so lucky. Other countries are moving backwards.
  3. I've had enough of your insults. So much hostility here.
  4. You control what you write. You don't control how others read the meaning of what you write. In politics playing semantic games to obfuscate real meanings is as old as the hills.
  5. No. That is a distortion. In the context of this discussion special rights and special treatment have the SAME meaning. Saying special treatment reads as a cynical softening trick to avoid saying special rights which is a notorious right wing talking point to attack the civil rights efforrs of minorities seeking EQUAL rights.
  6. You're being ridiculous. That's his exercise. Much better than parking your fat <deleted> in golf cart.
  7. He isn't running for gymnast. Also the bike thing deserves context that he rides bikes! How many men his age do?
  8. In terms of Pride Month here is what would ACTUALLY constitute special rights for LGBT people. Step 1 Change the laws to make LGBT people 100 percent equal to straight people Step 2 Change the laws to discriminate against straight people in exactly the same way LGBT people are being discriminated against now. Step 3 Cancel LGBT Pride month and replace with Straight Pride Month Because It would then be LGBT Pride month every month of the year in the same way that it is now Straight Pride Month every month of the year. But relax LGBT people don't want such special rights. Just full 100 percent equality under the law.
  9. I think Biden is performing well as president but agree he's getting too old
  10. To be replaced by a pair of humongous ... Weed Shops
  11. Exactly. The agenda of his posts fully exposed.
  12. Has many. LGBT people in Thailand do not enjoy equal civil rights.
  13. Oh boy. We'll be seeing this fall a gazillion times in republican campaign ads. Ain't democracy grand?
  14. People born in the USA are automatically citizens under the constitution. As per the article Melania may have done much worse than work illegally. I'm not in a position to judge. My Eastern European grandparents teens at the time scammed their way into the US from a Cuban prison.
  15. Not about how she entered. https://www.vox.com/2016/11/5/13533816/melania-trump-illegal-immigrant BTW, I'm not attacking her, it's about Donald's hypocrisy.
  16. I'm not buying your so called correction. You're just playing semantic games. You might fool some people, but you're not fooling me.
  17. I call B.S. You've obviously accused LGBT people in general to be over claiming oppression in a ploy to get special rights. LGBT people have equal civil rights in a limited number of countries and even in those places they often face social homophobia (even from their own family) because you can never legislate out how people feel. And those are the best countries. It goes down from there. Thailand is a country where LGBT people do not enjoy equal civil rights but it is obviously not on the severe oppression list such as Iran and Uganda.
  18. I'm fine with agreeing to disagree. But I will emphasize again that the "seeking special rights" attack line is an old and classic talking point of anti-gay demagogues.
  19. I think your so called critical thought is not backed up with reality. LGBT people want equal civil rights. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  20. Special treatment? That's rich. Again I think you're over reaching with a specious line of attack. Also don't play games. This topic is about LGBT You're accusing LGBT of getting special treatment and not really all that discriminated against. A classic anti gay talking point. Obviously there are levels of discrimination country by country. Nobody is denying that. But it really is a constant struggle. Look what's happening in the US with so many new backlash laws being passed in so many states. Special treatment? You betcha. Especially bad treatment. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/06/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html Record number of anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced this year By Annette Choi, CNN Published 6:00 AM EDT, Thu April 6, 2023 CNN — At least 417 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in state legislatures across the United States since the start of the year — a new record, according to American Civil Liberties Union data as of April 3. That’s already more than twice the number of such bills introduced all of last year.
  21. As long as Pride has been international which is most of its history. It seems to me you're just looking for petty lines of attack. In the very early years which I know from personal experience it was both local and national. It didn't really have an international awareness that early. But remember this was pre internet! The earlier participants didn’t imagine this would blossom into such a major international cultural phenomenon. It seems there was a need. Someone complained about American influence. I don't think it spread because it was American. It spread because it has resonance. Its not a plot. It happened organically.
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