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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Are you seriously saying that transgender people don't exist?
  2. I wouldn't like it but I wouldn't go into the store to terrorize the staff about it either.
  3. Target is a retail business. They seek profits on all their merchandise.
  4. There's a lot wrong with being a white nationalist in a diverse country of immigrants which is the USA.
  5. The fascists are focused particularly on transgender as they found they get a lot of mileage with that but scratch most of them and you'll find that's the tip of the iceberg of their perverted ideology of hatred.
  6. Not ashamed at all. The anti LGBT fascists are typically white nationalists who also hate non whites and Jews.
  7. If fascists opposed Jewish holiday items at Target would you say Target should cave? Target caters to the entire population including LGBT people. Pride month is well established.
  8. Yes these fascists have a national movement to erase LGBT people and history especially in schools. They are obsessed with toilets and drag queens. Sadly they have passed scares of hate laws in states with fascist dominated governments. They have similar intolerant attitudes to racial minorities and Jews. They spread ridiculous fake news about kitty litter being offered in schools for kids that identify as cats. Needless to say this fascist movement must be resisted but I don't think it's fair to expect Target to lead on this. It must come from the citizens to kick out the fascists from power.
  9. Target has a very loyal customer base. I wouldn't be worried that their business will suffer due to loud mouthed anti LGBT fascists.
  10. The market is assuming that default won't happen because it has never happened in American history.
  11. Now now, Americans will buy all kinds of schlock and LGBT Americans aren't all that different.
  12. Target is a well loved long standing corporate ally of LGBT people. But they are also a profit seeking business and having a safe working environment is an obvious priority (including to their many LGBT staff members). I think removing a limited number of Pride month related products is an unfortunate but reasonable reaction to anti LGBT fascist terrorism. We can never expect perfection especially in the U.S. where fascism is rapidly rising and LGBT people are favored targets. Now if they had caved and removed everything, it would be different, but they haven't.
  13. Sorry you are not everyone. I know you're wrong.
  14. Until it isn't! Look at the damage a near miss did in the past. The republican financial terrorists are playing with fire.
  15. First time users often have odd reactions. Like they might feel nothing when an experienced user would. Next time, they probably will. Something about how it interacts with your specific brain chemistry.
  16. Weed can induce hallucinations if you've been a user of hallucinogenics such as LSD, mushrooms, etc. Weed reaction is very personal depending on your history, brain chemistry etc. In the case of this beginner, I agree, it won't happen and even if it did which it won't, it can be great fun.
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