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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That is correct. There is no choice involved. Just fate. All you can do is guess how she would govern if that happened. She'll govern as she's going to govern. Whatever actions and positions she has had in the past don't need to determine her future. She has been VP. She knows a lot more than she did before. She'd be very motivated to succeed as she'd want to run later. Obsessing about what her "policy positions" are separate from Biden at this time is absurd. Complaining that a politician "flip flops" is also absurd. They all do.
  2. She's running for VP now representing Biden's agenda. What you posted is irrelevant to that. If there comes a time when she's running for president again that would be the time to bring out the opposition arguments.
  3. It doesn't have to go back to anything. Parties change. Parties go the way of the Whigs and the Know-Nothings Maybe it will stay the American fascist party indefinitely. There is nothing in the constitution about a two party system or what parties should be.
  4. She's as republican as they come. But she's not a maga fascist. Trump effected a hostile takeover of that party.
  5. No I didn't. Do you not understand her job? Her job precludes broadcasting her personal policy positions if they differ from the president. She's only there to support the president's policy positions. She's not running for anything now except to continue to be Biden's VP. If you can't accept basic political realities, I can't help you. Again, look at Biden's policy positions for any issue you are curious about. At this time Harris has the same positions.
  6. I answered your question. Again it's the job of a VP to support the president's policies and also to be there to replace the president if needed. If that happens, then when she actually runs for the democratic party nomination, then she would represent how her policy positions may differ from other democrats.
  7. She's the Vice President of President Biden. By definition, review President Biden's policies. That's how it works when you're Vice President. Next ...
  8. Absolutely, but a democrat would need to be remarkably atrocious for me to choose her in a general election. There used to be moderate republicans that a center left democrat could vote for, but they are more or less extinct.
  9. Exactly. Compared to maga fascists Trump or DeSantis the prospect of a President Harris sounds wonderful. I understand she isn't very popular. I don't care. Her politics are reasonable and she'd be competent to be president.
  10. So the event was messier than it needed to be, but nobody got hurt, and I say congratulations to all the graduates!
  11. She didn't leave the republican party. The republican party went maga fascist and left her.
  12. I disagree with her policy positions on just about everything, but because of her principled opposition to the anti-democracy maga fascist movement, I respect and admire her very very much. What a great American!
  13. This guy is much more likely to be "first spouse" before the wife of DeSantis. Just saying as DeSantis has very little chance of beating the original maga Trump for the nominiation. So how do you rate him?
  14. Maybe. maybe not. "Sort" of a narcotic, whatever that means.
  15. Objectively it isn't and you lose all credibility trying to sell that lie. In my view, objections to weed are mostly based on CULTURE, not objective scientific reality.
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