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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's the wild west as far as what you get. Expecting industry wide quality control standards is purely a pipe dream. Buying weed is never an investment. It has a shelf life. You don't store it for decades like a rare wine. I am also fascinated by the variety of strains. Weed isn't one thing anymore. It's thousands of things. Also a strain called Nirvana Biscotti for example will be very different coming from different farmers. My solution? Don't risk getting badly ripped off. Pay in the 250 per gram range directly. I'm getting acceptable quality, variety, and value.
  2. Yes I will be very surprised if he's not charged with obstruction of justice which of course is a very serious crime.
  3. Smith has a so many targets it must be very hard to decide where to focus.
  4. I am not confident that more indictments of Trump will help Biden win. Maybe maybe not. Trump could potentially win from behind bars. What I do know is that Trump gaining power again would mean the official end of American democracy. I also know if Trump loses he will claim he won again and his well armed cult members may start a real civil war. Trump is the American nightmare that keeps on giving.
  5. I could cite 1000 links explaining it but I won't bother because I know trump loyalists arent actually interested.
  6. It's obvious to anyone paying attention but stay in denial if that pleases you.
  7. Most Americans want him to have fair trials just as any other accused citizen.
  8. Multiple coming soon. He has been indicted in the hush money case, felony charges.
  9. You seriously don't know? https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/08/31/the-messianic-trump-cult-00054382
  10. Silly post. I prefer a normal jury that takes the jury instructions seriously and reaches a verdict based on the evidence provided.
  11. Well they could always do house arrest but if they do that they should really make him eat prison food at Marjorie Lardo.
  12. Hope so but I'm afraid there will be at least one stealth maga cult member on any jury making it impossible to convict him of anything.
  13. My theory on cannabis is if they're going to list it as a narcotic again (which was also crazy because it's not a narcotic) it will need to be done fairly soon, like in the next year or two. After like five years of legalization, it would be much harder to do a reverse.
  14. Describing what the republican party is doing as financial terrorism is (sadly) not hyperbole. From their ex-president who is leading to be nominated again in 24: Truth Social
  15. I said before in the event of a debt default that social security checks would be prioritized which I have heard before. Well. Maybe not. According to this the government may not have the authority or ability to prioritize like that and if they did it might be challenged in court. So what this means is that Americans might not get their June checks or maybe they'd get a partial check. That could be serious for retired expats here that use the income method. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/18/debt-ceiling-default-deadline-payments/
  16. It's a bigger risk to happen this time because trump wants it to happen and speaker McCarthy can lose power over just one vote. Their extremist wing including mad woman Marjorie Taylor Greene are very capable of mad actions.
  17. They're so cynical that they think they will be able to blame the democrats because it would happen on Biden's watch.
  18. Do that at budget time Don't threaten to blow up the world economy. Also when Trump was in power with his atrocious tax cuts for the rich you didn't hear a peep from his fascist party about deficits. Also they are such vile hypocrites. They actively oppose more IRS agents that are needed to audit the complex taxes of the wealthy where the take ins would be massive and help reduce the deficit. Don't even bother to assert the fascist party actually cares about deficits. Thru obviously do not.
  19. As predictable as the <deleted>s after eating a rotten goat meat curry.
  20. I'm assuming he will want to start with an O, not an OA. So the next question is how he can best get the initial O. In his home country, in another country, or in Thailand (as a conversion from a tourist visa or entry stamp).
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