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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes it could. Crashing dollar. Crashing stock market. Social security checks will be prioritized to be paid but not indefinitely. It's the republican party's fault. They are financial terrorists. More toxic than foreign enemies. Raise the debt ceiling (money already spent) and negotiate the budget separately as is supposed to be done. “Debt-Limit Terror” Is No Way to Run a Superpower | The New Yorker
  2. OA visa and expentions Yes required O.visa and extensions Not required So start with an O visa and you can avoid the insurance requirements
  3. You have grossly distorted the actual meaning of that bullet point
  4. Not legal in public but probably not well enforced either.
  5. Coffee is much more of a crutch than weed. How about people ladyboy up go cold turkey on the hot Java (a real physical addiction) and medical use by IV drips at hospitals only? Yeah. That's the ticket.
  6. Another one who favors ugly anti LGBT bigotry under the cynical cover of anti woke. Thailand isn't Florida bubba. Gay marriage and civil rights for transgender Thais are important Thai issues.
  7. Nothing about weed? Cool. They ought to reform wine taxes with the understanding that wine is a key part of culinary culture.
  8. I call BS. Smoking weed in public like that is already illegal. Any customer should have complained about that and gotten that A hole to stop. The vast majority of weed users in Thailand have interest in causing a public disturbance.
  9. Obviously we can't / shouldn't become politically active here. But dude this is an English language discussion forum and Thailand just experienced a historically significant national election result. Of course it's OK to discuss that!
  10. It's a constitution. So it's constitutional. Obviously for Thailand to really "move forward" they will need yet another new constitution.
  11. No. Pita's party is on record to support putting recreational weed back on the narcotics list,!
  12. Not sure what you want. CBD doesn't get you high. Are you taking CBD gummies or THC ones? Anyway sounds like you need to do more shopping. Perhaps someone can point you to a good source.
  13. Oil often is CBD. You might consider making it yourself. There are youtube videos about that. You could also buy flowers and bake it as per online instructions then stuff into empty gelatin capsules. Another idea is to buy a dry herb vape where you're not combusting the weed. It is quite mild at lower temperatures up to 190 C.. Then you can use the vaped weed again in capsules. Eating raw unheated flowers will do nothing.
  14. Sure it doesn't matter if you're a straight white man and the court is all straight white men. Nothing fishy about that.
  15. They are dealing with a public that is not only straight white men. Applying the law isn't an algorithm. Would you not find it strange if the Supreme Court in your state was all Latina lesbians? Would that inspire your confidence in the justice system?
  16. It bothers you that other people are enjoying themselves?
  17. Compromise isn't the Forward party campaign position to put weed back on the narcotics list!
  18. Left wing people are generally libertarian on weed legality and other similar social issues.
  19. When it comes to how it actually happens that a court is all straight white men that is incredibly naive.
  20. Probably dawn-ish at best but hope springs eternal in a young man's heart.
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