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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The menu pdf 2023.4.6泰国大唐饭店5本(1)(2).pdf
  2. Da Tang Restaurant Means Dynasty Location as noted before Open daily 10 am to 2 pm 5 pm to 10 pm Closed 2 to 5 Chef from Xian China, not sure how many Xian wheat based cuisine (dumplings, noodles etc,), Sichuan, general Chinese. Very extensive ambitious menu. Prices range from low to very high. Market prices for fish, seafood Menu offered on tablet and be sure to ask for the more casual and inexpensive Xian based wheat cuisine menu which is on a plastic card! No I haven't eaten there yet. Staff very welcoming especially Rex who I'm guessing is an owner. On Chinese language app. Maybe Grab later. They're taking a big risk. I hope we can reward them if the food quality satisfies. This is not for western style Chinese food seekers though there are a few dishes that might work for that.
  3. You mean this new place in Jomtien? If so can you tell us some details about the restaurant and your experience other than not going back?
  4. In Thailand you can be sued for negative reviews no matter how accurate. I usually just say subtle things like the food was not to my taste.
  5. I think but am not sure it would in the large circular tower located at the intersection of Tappraya and Jomtien beach road inner Jomtien. Who knows please confirm. The name isn't needed as it would be the only Chinese restaurant there. https://www.thailand-property.com/condo/3391/jomtien-plaza-condotel#openGallery
  6. Vapor is not created by combustion. I really think in the case of dry herb weed vaping is milder than smoke. I don't know about liquids or tobacco vaping. You can also vape weed through a bong but I'm not clear that it would be worth bothering.
  7. No doubt. I have had good Thai food there but found their service on the eccentric side. I know many people swear by their duck.
  8. That's your free choice and your taste but I really think you're missing out and possibly haven't been exposed to some authentic Thai and Chinese dishes that might blow your mind. On the Chinese front I have been exposed to a world famous Sichuan chef and that was among the best food I've ever had of any kind. Not in Pattaya of course. I think it often does come to exposure but sure of course many maybe even most people only want familiar foods.
  9. You just missed the more exceptional places. There was a place in Avenue Mall that had numerous Chinese chefs. Currently I am using the two places in T21 and <deleted> Man Lou. Not overly thrilled but I think OK while we wait for better. I have had some very good food at the hot pot place on Tappraya Road Jomtien not far from the supermarket. Aren't they still open? At least they used to have Chinese chefs and it's not only hotpot. But for some reasons I stopped going there because its very overpriced and I didn't feel welcome. I definitely love the very reasonably priced hand pulled noodle plus beef place on Pattaya Beach road,Tip Mall is it, I don't consider Lengkee a Chinese restaurant.
  10. Now for the "much anticipated" update ha ha. Got my Dynavap B. I have good reasons to suspect that it's a copy but it more or less works and I can't prove it so best to let sleeping vapes lie. In other words I won't be commented further on that. As expected there is a learning curve with vaping and with your specific device. But it's kind of a fun process and there are lots of youtube videos that get into every detail imaginable. But I'm having another kind of problem outside the Dynavap. I bought a double flame gas lighter and getting used to making it work with the Dynavap but then it broke. Of course I wondered if it was just out of fuel but I suspected it was something mechanical. But I did buy refill gas but that didn't fix it. Also the gas I bought didn't have nozzle adapters which appeared to be needed for my lighter. So I tried using a Bic style disposable lighter and couldn't make that work even after watching videos So I ordered another single flame lighter and maybe that will work but even if it does I'll need to make refilling work. If I can maybe issue solved but I'm kind of not thrilled with the entire need for fire to use Dynavaps. There is a solution -- heat inducter designed for Dynavap but that costs about 5000 baht. For less than that I could get a Felix mini that heats with a battery by USB. I don't know yet. I kind of like the Dynavap design except for the firing issues. Anyone here that has owned both who could comment?
  11. Interesting perspective but you seem to be talking about Chinese food in Pattaya, not so much Chinese food in general. Yes I have been to places here that do import chefs from China. No they are not cheap and you're right even Chinese food that is not great here will in general be less value for money than Thai. But remember most Chinese restaurants closed here during the pandemic. Things are likely to get better. Yes of course many Thai dishes are influenced by Chinese food and there is also Thai style Chinese food just as there is American style Chinese food, etc But the flavor profiles are different. Take something as basic as stir fried greens Thai and Chinese versions taste different, use different ingredients. Personally I prefer Chinese style with a Chinese meal and Thai style with a Thai meal.
  12. So is this chunk of insane unjustified stand your ground shootings a coincidence or does it reveal an incredibly diseased society?
  13. Indeed. Well it being so new very few people would be able to answer. At least the non answering chatter kept the topic active which ended up attracting someone who knew and rather quickly too.
  14. Prior to the pandemic Pattaya had become a reasonably decent town for authentic regional Chinese food. No not Singapore, Hong Kong, or San Francisco but still not too shabby. But the majority of those places closed. Now that tourism and China is opening up again hopefully that happy trend will get back on track. Thanks for the news of this new place in Jomtien.
  15. We should be so lucky if they're doing real Xian foods. https://www.thefoodranger.com/xian-famous-foods-you-need-to-try/
  16. Yes unfortunately the Thai over sugar thing is a modern development. Older Thai people will tell you it wasn't always that way.
  17. That's silly. Thai has way too much sugar, lots of fried food in old oil, often lots of msg. Msg isn't actually unhealthy. China is a very large country thus an incredible variety of radically varied regional cuisines. Texture is an important element with them and yes many of the foods are a bit too out there for most westerners. Not a lot of call for a plate of anuses even if well seasoned. But overall Chinese is probably the top cuisine in the world.
  18. Often bus tour restaurants don't welcome regular customers. In cases where they do, in my experience more often than not you'll wish they hadn't served you.
  19. You're wrong. It made perfect sense. I guess it's hard for people that don't understand the Kinsey scale of attraction.
  20. I suggest a new aspect of descriptions. Movies that are better to watch while baked. Some would say everything but I don't think so. Recently I mentioned I started to watch Everything Everywhere All at Once and just couldn't get into it. Plus its long So I knew I needed to be in a different mood to ever want to watch it Well, Mary Jane to the rescue. What a wild ride of a movie! Arguably I was actually too baked for it but what's done is done and I won't be watching it again. So the suggestion here is to mention if you think a show is particularly suited to being baked.
  21. No she isn't. That's about gender identity rather than sexual orientation.
  22. I don't remember a time where there was such a cluster of people being shot / murdered over random accidents such as getting into the wrong car. The USA is sounding sicker and sicker. Apart from a messed up society, I consider this a national security risk as enemies of west such as China and Russia use such news for propaganda.
  23. He can't win the general election and Republicans know that.
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