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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Of course very welcome as spectators at Gay Pride parades. But not at circuit parties. As mentioned before they are completely different things. Circuit parties are designed for specific types of gay men that don't even include the majority of gay men. Also circuit parties are definitely for adults only.
  2. Actually LGBT people are under attack in the majority of the planet. Russia, almost all of Africa, almost all of the Caribbean, China, the Middle East as mentioned, the majority of Latin America, vicious right wing backlash in the US, etc. To assert that LGBT have special protection is just wrong.
  3. Tel Aviv one of the gayest cities in the world. Jerusalem much more conservative so more subdued events. The rest of the Middle East very oppressive.
  4. Watching this video.which explains the benefits of temperature control I wonder how Dynavap does as well as they do.
  5. Then don't go to such events. Sorted. They are meanIngful for some people at some phases of their lives.
  6. His brand. Lower and lower and lower. His cult loves it and literally worships him. Don't even bother to look for logical reasons why.
  7. You can smell the desperation. Lock him up already. Enough is enough.
  8. OK. I just don't want people to conflate things that are very different. The way the article is written invites that wrong perception. A previous event.
  9. It kind of makes sense that Pattaya is now on the circuit party map but circuit parties aren't really designed for the majority of gay men. They are for a certain type.
  10. I reckon most people don't understand that traditional and very inclusive annual gay Pride events are not the same thing as the international Gay circuit party scene (much much less inclusive). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circuit_party https://news.yahoo.com/gay-party-scene-short-circuited-131628413.html
  11. Are there enough hot gay Russians here to support such a circuit party event? "Previous events have included Pervert, AfterSun, Meat Market and La Leche. Check out this website if you are interested in joining!" Those are some great names!
  12. You might try Bongs in Jomtien Complex. Reasonably priced full.spectrum CBD oil. Ask about dosage.
  13. Good to hear for the Ukrainians but that's short of formal asylum.
  14. Normally it would hard to imagine how they can put the weed genie back in the bottle now. But I guess it's a threat. I'm hoping for either a nothing burger or some BS more formal "regulations" that don't change the status quo very much, but they can say they did something,
  15. I will exit this topic now. I have already said all I need to say about the local program which is supportive of public health in regards to Muslim religious based circumcision. Carry on "gentlemen"
  16. Or they just don't give a flying f about stuff happening so far away. Thailand does have it's hands full with more local refugee problems specifically Myanmar.
  17. You're wrong. There was nothing religious about it for the vast majority. I don't know about American Muslims but even among American Jews the medical procedure is often done in a hospital rather than a bris ceremony. Currently I think it's about 50 50 as the medical establishment has taken a more neutral stance on the topic.
  18. There are benefits of circumcision so it's a choice parents have every right to make. You're not going to change that except perhaps in some Northern European countries whose motivations to try to ban circumcision is rooted in religious intolerance.
  19. Thailand is not offering asylum to Russians (or even Ukrainians) fleeing the war.
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